Jean-Jacques Rousseau Wrote The Social Contract Theory in 1762 Men determine the way they are governed and should submit to the will of the majority People are naturally good; but corrupted by government, schools, the arts, media, etc.
Thomas Hobbes Wrote Leviathan in 1651 “…driven by a perpetual and restless desire for power…that only ceases in death” The world is natural chaotic; therefore, the government should protect us. Under no circumstances do we have the right to rebel against the government. Mainly because we are too selfish to make our own decisions. If we are not naturally in a state of war, why do we lock our doors and carry weapons?
John Locke Wrote Two Treatises of Government in 1689 Government only works when the people consent to it Basically he said every man has natural rights – rights they are born with – and it is the governments job to protect these Life, Liberty, and Property* *We changed it to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness
Montesquieu Wrote The Spirit Laws in 1748 He advocated the three branches of government, separation of powers, and checks and balances This approach could help prevent corruption in Government. Does it?