Verbal Non-verbal Enactor (Encoding) (a) Recipient (Decoding) (c) Body Voice Speech 65% 35% 27% 19% 18% 35% Face Visual Audio Channels (b)
Personal Body MannerismsFacial ExpressionsBody MannerismsIdentityProxemicsEye GazeAppearance Appearance Change Relative Importance Points Relative Importance of Visual Social Cues
μCμC μCμC USB to Virtual Serial Serial port Motor Driver Shaftless Vibration Motor Atmel AtMega168 μC Darlington Motor Drivers USB to Serial μC Prog. Port Debug LED
Happy Sad Surprise Neutral Angry Fear Disgust A A F F G G C C D D I I B B D D H H F F B B H H E E B B E E H H I I C C F F D D G G A A I I C C F F A A F F G G C C D D I I B B F F H H B B E E H H B B C C E E F F H H I I A A D D G G C C F F I I D D D D G G D D A A A A D D G G
Darlington Motor Driver USB-Serial Interface Debug Port LED μC Programming Port Atmel ATmega168 μC Shaftless Vibration Motor
μCμC μCμC USB to Virtual Serial Serial port Motor Driver
Verbal Non-verbal Enactor (Encoding) Recipient (Decoding) Body Voice Speech 65% 35% 27% 19% 18% 35% Face Visual Audio Channels Bilateral Interpersonal Communication