Who is a Christian? The Christian has obeyed the Gospel, been buried with Christ and arisen from the watery grave to a new life (Mk.16:15; Lk.13:3,5;


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Presentation transcript:

Who is a Christian? The Christian has obeyed the Gospel, been buried with Christ and arisen from the watery grave to a new life (Mk.16:15; Lk.13:3,5; Acts 17:30; Rom.10:10; Mk.16:16; Rom. 6:4) The Christian belongs to Christ (I Cor.6:19,20), he is subject to the will of Christ He has a new purpose in life (Rom.12:1,2) 1. When one becomes a Christian, everything takes on a new perspective: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2Co 5:17) 2. This also applies to certain social activities. 1 Pet 4:2-3


Dancing Defined “the activity of moving your feet and your body in a pattern of movements that follows the sound of music.” “Dance, danced, dances, dancing” is Used 27 times in the bible (6 Hebrew words translated “dance”; 2 Greek words translated dance)

Hebrew CHUWL (pronounced khool) –root meaning to twist or whirl (in a circular manner) –"dance, writhe in pain or fear" and, fig., as "to wait, to pervert“ –Translated: bear, bring forth, calve, dance, drive away, fall grievously, fear, form, great, grieve, (be) grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain Used in Judges 21:21 & 21:23 of women of Shiloh in vineyard

Hebrew CHAGAG (pronounced khaw-gag) –to move in a circle, march in a sacred procession, observe holy day –Translated: celebrate, dance, (keep, hold) a (solemn) feast –I Sam. 30:16; Psa. 42:4 and Zech. 14:18 of keeping feast, holy day

Hebrew KARAR (pronounced kaw-rar) –to dance (i.e. whirl), so translated "dance" or "dancing“ –Used in 2 Sam. 6:14, 16 of David leaping at ark’s return (solo joy) MACHOWL (pronounced maw-khole) (from CHUWL) –Translated "dance" or "dancing" –Used in Psa. 149:3 & 150:4 of action done in worship to God –Used in Psa. 30:11, Jer. 31:13 & Lam. 5:15 for expression of joy –In neither case do we find both sexes and expression of romance

Hebrew MECHOWLAH (pronounced mek-o-law) (feminine form of MACHOWL) –Dance, dancing or dancing company (performers being women) –Used in Exodus 15:20 & 32:19 of idolatrous worship –Jdg. 11:34, 21:21, 1 Sam. 18:6, 21:11, 29:5 & Jer. 31:4 express joy RAQAD (pronounced raw-kad) –To stamp, i.e. to spring about - Translated: dance, jump, leap, skip –In 1 Chron. 15:29 of David at ark return, Job 21:11 of children leaping, Eccl. 3:4 of joyous expression & Isa. 13:21 of wild goats

Greek “Dancing” in N.T. (Gk.) Orcheomai (pronounced or-kheh-om-ahee) –from orchos (a row or ring) – “to dance” –used only in middle voice, orcheomai, hence involving others present viewing, but only one performing dance –Used in Mt. 11:17 & Lk. 7:32 of children’s insult Used in Mt. 14:6 & Mk. 6:22 of lustful dance to Herod

Greek CHOROS (pronounced khor-os) –dance, dancing, company of dancers, chorus, choir as in a group of singers (Arndt & Gingrich) –Used only in Luke 15:25 as expression of joy for return of the prodigal who was repenting of unclean life & acts

3 Categories of dancing - Religious dances of O.T. (Ex.15:20,21; 32:19; II Sam.6:14-16) - Expressions of rejoicing (Jud.11:34; I Sam.18:6; Ps.30:11; Lk.15:25) - Passionate dance (Mk.6:22 cf Is.3:16-17)

4 Reasons why dancing is wrong 1.Gal.5:19; works of the flesh 2.Dancing creates lust Mt.5:28 3.Dancing is a prelude to other things 4.Promotes evil communications I Cor.15:33

BE YE SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD: II COR.6:17; MT.6:24; MT.5:13; JN. 3:16