Caselex An example of how companies can benefit from the PSI Directive, also in Poland! EPSIplus Polish national meeting Marc de Vries Warsaw, 4 December 2008
Collection of important national court cases linked to European community law allowing for free movement of case law so that legal community in Europe can benefit from the application of EU law across borders 2 What is Caselex? National scope before CaselexEuropean scope after Caselex
Caselex process PROCESS adding value by editors Caselex database INPUTOUTPUT Case law court s Gov t Law firm unis Summary native language Translation of summary in English Metadata Full text
Access to and re-use of case law (2006) Sourcing is essential Patchwork of regimes Different re-use conditions from country to country – Conditions vary: copyright, sui generis, pricing – Lack of (standard) licenses State of flux & organised ”chaos” in managing public sector information resources Poland
Comparison Poland – other countries countryaccessaccessibilityauthorizationFair market conditions PolandGoodCan be improved 3 public sources: Supreme court, constitutional tribunal, administrative courts) Private sector: Lex (Kluwer) + Lex Polonica (Lexis Nexis) compilations + also lower court cases Search engines Some metadata But no central datapolicy OK No copyright or database rights withheld by government OK othersGood: most countries Bad: Luxemburg Good: Spain Bad: Portugal Good: Netherlands Bad: Italy Good: France Bad: UK
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Contact CASELEX SARL Marc de Vries