Learning Excellence Initiative
LEI Implementation Team Jennifer Beattie Diana Carnes Galen DeHay Stephanie Evans Katy Goforth Croslena Johnson Jeremy King Chris Marino Lou Ann Martin Sarah Shumpert Diana Walter
What are we doing now? Completing tasks using implementation plan –subgroups formed Integrating the LEI into existing College processes
Training External –On Course –National Summer Institute on Learning Communities –Faculty Learning Communities Developer’s Institute –LENs training Internal –Smart Start training –Freshman Seminar instructor training –Learning Community instructor training
Smart Start Developing content and activities that purposefully prepare students for freshman seminar –Refining learning outcomes –Refining content
Freshman Seminar Refining learning outcomes Developing syllabus Developing content and activities
Assessment Student learning outcomes Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) Freshman Year Initiative Seminar Assessment Study Behavior Inventory
Logistics Example issues –Identifying potential students (intake processes) –Banner issues –Advising and registering students into Smart Start and Learning Communities
Communications QEP Initiative Portal will become LEI Portal –information repository Update letter Features in Connections
What do you want to know?