The American War for Independence ( ) “These are the times that try men’s souls” -Thomas Paine, 1780
War : European Tactics (1700s) Great Britain -“rules” of “gentlemanly” warfare No attacking at night, No sneak attacks Mercenaries were common Soldiers lowly regarded in British society British “Redcoats”
War: American Tactics (1700s) Colonial warfare based on style of Natives “Skulking” style of war included sneak attacks, adjustments Hid behind walls, no uniforms, ambushed enemies Local militias American militia
Colonial Soldier British “Redcoat”
Continental Army Created by George Washington Fought alongside various state militias Provided Washington with better idea of soldiers’ capabilities and length of service (1 year) Washington’s greatest accomplishment of the war Infantry training
Leaders of the Revolution
R evolutionary L eaders 1- George Washington- leader of Continental Army 2- William Howe- head of British army in John Burgoyne- defeated at Saratoga 4- Lord Cornwallis- surrendered British army at Yorktown 5- Benedict Arnold- switched from American to British after Saratoga 6- Nathaneal Greene- RI native, Washington’s top field general
Opening Moves ! British to seize NY 1776: Howe’s troops drive Washington out of NY Washington and troops again driven from Manhattan to White Plains NY becomes the British headquarters for the war!!
Opening Moves Cont… British begin to move onto Philly where the Continental Congress was meeting! Washington’s troops get word of this… THREE BATTLES>>>>> 1. Battle of TRENTON 2. Saratoga 3. Yorktown
1. Battle of Trenton December, 1776: Washington plans surprise attack of Hessian camp at Trenton, NJ. December 25: Washington attacks on Christmas night, kills/captures 1,000 men 3 days later: defeat of British at Princeton, NJ forces British to return to NY for winter
Results of Battle of Trenton Soldiers encouraged to re-enlist Morale of army shot up Washington showcased leadership skills 2 nd Guessing: Why did Howe not deal “knock- out” blow in NY? Washington crossing the Delaware River on his way to Trenton
2. Saratoga: France Enters British capture Philadelphia, Continental Congress escapes Valley Forge- winter of : nearly 2,500 American soldiers die from cold, food shortages October Gen. Burgoyne’s troops captured outside Saratoga, NY Result: France enters war Marquis de Lafayette
3. Yorktown, 1781: War in the South British turn to South Savannah, GA and Charlestown, SC fell to British Battle of Kings Mountain- victory for Patriots!!! British surrender at Yorktown (1781) Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, VA
Other Contributors to Revolution Women- cooking, nursing of soldiers, taking control of family business, spies African-Americans- British/Americans offered freedom in exchange for military service (5,000 for America) Loyalists- remained loyal to Britain, in some cases fled or lost land “Molly Pitcher” helping colonial soldiers
Why did Britain lose the war??? Atlantic Ocean Tried to occupy a whole continent American perseverance, fighting spirit George Washington, other generals French aid War unpopular in Britain HMMMM…