4 September 2012 Welcome Historians! Office Location: Dean’s Area Syllabus: b.hyde.wikispaces.net/ Binder Organization: Homework:
The Two Things: 1.History is Cool 2.“Those who are ignorant of History are doomed to repeat it.” - Winston Churchill
Infrastructure Infrastructure is basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function. organizationalsocietyenterprise economy – Thank you Wikipedia
Infrastructure Transportation Water Supply Sewer System Electricity Communications
What else? Modern TimesRoman Empire
Homework: Infrastructure Brainstorming – Choose 5 pieces of infrastructure. – Write 1paragraph for each on how life would be different without each of your infrastructure choices.
Tuesday Quiz 1 Name: Date: Period: Write in the name of the indicated country. Capitals are extra credit The “Two Things: 1. 2.