Chapter 02: Birth of a Nation SSUSH4 The student will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects of the American Revolution. SSUSH5 The student will explain specific events and key ideas that brought about the adoption and implementation of the United States Constitution. (19 Note Cards Required) 2.2 The War for Independence
King George III King of England during the American Revolution.
Patriots Colonists who supported the fight for independence.
Battle of Bunker Hill In June 1775, British troops launched a series of attacks against two hills occupied by American forces outside of Boston. The British eventually won the battle but suffered far greater casualties than the Americans.
George Washington Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
Continental Army Official name given to the colonial forces during the American Revolution. Advantages for the Colonists: Knew the land Fighting for their homes Had the motivation Disadvantages for the Colonists: Volunteers often deserted Lack of supplies
Trenton, New Jersey Bold move taken by Washington's army on Christmas night 1776 which allowed them to surprise the Hessians at Trenton, New Jersey and won a much needed victory.
Hessians Germans hired to fight for the British.
John Hancock President of the Second Continental Congress.
Saratoga This U.S. victory in 1777 was the ‘turning point” of the American Revolution. It was especially important because it convinced the French that the U.S. could win.
Valley Forge Where Washington's army endured a harsh winter of Many of soldiers became sick and died. However, it also ended up being valuable time of training that left the Continental Army better prepared to meet the British in battle once the warm weather returned.
Baron Friedrich Von Steuben Prussian who trained the Continental army at Valley Forge.
Loyalists Colonists who remained loyal to England.
Tories Colonists who fought on the side of the British during the American Revolution.
Lord Cornwallis British commander who fought the American army in the Carolinas and surrendered to Washington at Yorktown.
Benjamin Franklin The Continental Congress sent him to Paris to try to convince the French to form an open alliance with the US.
U.S. and French Alliance France promised money, troops, and the support of the French navy.
Marquis de Lafayette Frenchman who made his way to America to fight for the revolution. Although only 19 years old, he proved to be a talented and valiant soldier who quickly won the confidence of General Washington.
Yorktown On October 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown.
Treaty of Paris (1783) Treaty ending the American Revolution. Great Britain officially recognized the independence of the United States.