CGHS Curriculum Night- “Parent Challenge” Welcome Parents!!!
Biology- Grading CP/Honors/Gifted Class Assessments (includes HW) 20% Quizzes/Notebook Check 15% Summative Assessment40% Final Exam15% County Interim 5% Performance Assessment 5%
AP Bio- Grading Quiz/study guides/reviews 10% Lab Assessments 15% Free Response Questions 10% MC Exams/Projects 35% Final Exam + PA 20% Classwork Maintenance 10% (* 10% points added to final grade at end of semester)
Biology- Academic Expectations Be Present/Be on time! Materials- Every Day: – Interactive Student NB – Glue Sticks – Highlighters – Access Mr. Callahan’s website EVERY DAY Week at a Glance/Calendar Helpful Websites Biodocuments
Academic Expectations (cont) Cheating Policy- CGHS/GCPS Handbook Late Work/ Missing Work- Student Responsibility Cards Proper Headings on Assignments High Level Literacy- reading and writing in content areas- should be reading, writing, studying min. of 30 minutes/day (AP- 1 hr)
Behavioral Expectations PRIDE Academy Management Plan Teacher Warning Student Conference/Action Plan (Parent Phone Call-Contact Log) Teacher-Assigned Detention-30 Min. (Parent Phone Call-Contact Log) Teacher-Assigned Detention-45 Min. OR Team-Parent Conference (Parent Phone Call- Contact Log) Administrative Referral (Parent Phone call required before Referral can be submitted)
Biology/AP- Behavioral Expectations(Cont) TEAM LANCELOT GUIDELINE INFRACTION NOTICE Please correct your behavior and return to task. See me after class! Date____________ Offense: Disruption Defiance/Disrespect Lack of preparedness Electronic Device Other Details:______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Student Conference:____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Student Signature:_____________________________________________ Teacher Signature: _____________________________________________
Class Management Nonverbals Raise Your Hand: answering a question or contributing to the class lesson, activity, or discussion. Raise Two Fingers (V-shaped): request to leave seat or in need of instructional material (e.g. sharpen pencil, need pencil, pass to bathroom) Raise Three Fingers (W-shape): request for teacher help as you are working.
Mr. C’s Role- Biology Facilitator of Learning – Safety-#1 – High Standards= High Expectations – Lab setting- Academic “guide” not task manager Overall- Moving science students to more independent learning/inquiry-based thinking/writing/doing
Communication Methods Class Website: (students should be using this every day) *Course Syllabus available on website* Conferences- available upon request- 1 st Period Planning- 7:10-8:10 AM
Communications- Grade Reports 6 Weeks Grade Reports- Sept. 20 th 12 Weeks Grade Reports- Nov. 8 th 1st Semester Final Exams- Dec
EOCT/AP Exams All Biology students(Including AP) must pass both semesters of coursework and EOCT in May. AP Biology- Score of 3/5 or higher on AP Exam in May = college credit* (*amount of credit varies per college)