First 100 years By Andrew Gomez
Minie Ball Soft Lead bullet Cone Shaped with Concave bottom Slightly smaller than barrel When Fired it bulged at the bottom allowing it to get more spin from the rifling Soft lead would transfer all of its energy into its impact to enable maximum
12 Pounder “Napoleon” Cannon Most popular Cannon due to its incredible safeness Very reliable killing machine In 1863 Robert E. Lee sent all of the 6-pounders of the Army of Northern Virginia to be recasted as Napoleons
Kirk Holden War Struggle between KKK and Governer of North Carolina KKK killed a State Senator John W. Stephens, town commissioner Wyatt Outlaw and prevented freed blacks from voting Governer suspended Writs of Habeas Corpus hired a general to hunt down the KKK Also imposed martial law in Caswell and Almance 100 arrest in a matter of weeks but none tried
Anti-Rent War Revolt in New York against high collection fees for using land owned by land “barons” Mostly sparked by Stephen III by telling his successors to collect higher rent Many farmers on the land protested and petitioned for lower rent fees
Anti-Masonic Party Considered first 3 rd party in America Formed after dissatisfaction with the results of the Morgan Affair in New York Tried to elect William Wirt as presidential candidate against Andrew Jackson but only got 7 electoral votes Dissolved shortly after its rise due to other issues including slavery Succeeded by Whig Party
Morgan Affair William Morgan joined a Grand Lodge of the Freemasons but was denied by prominent members of the community Shortly afterwards went into a deal to give info on Freemasons but was sent to jail 2 times then killed or escaped Ignited Anti-Masonic movements His wife went on later to become a member of the LDS Church and had him baptized after he died
The First KKK First organized in Pulaski, Tennessee 1866 They are mostly ex-Confederates Known for their strange calls and disguises Local KKK militias were typically uncontrollable to the “Leaders” of the KKK Nationally dissolved by General Forest (Grand Wizard of the KKK) Local KKK groups ignored him