Presentation Caribbean group
Purpose Recognizing the Port of Spain Declaration on Chronic Diseases, identify activities which can be implemented in the next 2 years, 2010 – 2011, through the CARMEN network and with the support op PAHO and CARICOM
Question 1: Support for development Tobacco Legislation to be implemented Development of NCD Units Development of an integrated approach to NCDs, mainstreaming surveillance and other actions within the health care model. Need to gather the evidence for NCDs in the Caribbean to be used for advocacy for NCDs with the support of regional and local institutions Need to conduct economic analysis Support for development of policy Support for Strategic planning for NCDs using country evidence Support for policies for reduction of environmental smoke Support for conducting risk factors surveys Capacity building for surveillance, implementation of chronic care model - CARMEN School Technical cooperation for training of key stakeholders Support for the process for design and development of National Commissions Support for design and Need to define where National Commission should be located within the Governmental structure –where should it reside? Responsible to Prime Minister Capacity development for resource mobilization with emphasis on Grants Support for conducting of in-country research using Doctoral students. Documentation of Caribbean Wellness Day Support for development of E-communication facilities at Ministries of Health
Question 2: Country Level: Technical Support for: 1. Development of policy 2. Strategic planning for NCDs using country evidence 3. Conducting risk factor surveys 4. Conducting of in-country research
Question 2 cont’d: Sub-Regional Level: 1. Support for the process for design and development of National Commissions 2. Support for development Tobacco Legislation to be implemented in countries 3.Development of an integrated approach to NCDs, mainstreaming surveillance and other actions within the health care model. 4. Capacity development for resource mobilization with emphasis on Grants
Question 3: 1. CARICOM and PAHO/WHO to be the vehicle for helping countries to build capacity and network with other countries (developing model legislation, terms of reference providing information, developing Tool Kits and facilitating attachments/visits) for implementing the Port of Spain Declaration.
Question 3 cont’d 2. Communication materials to be made available from PAHO and CARICOM to countries in word format so that country logos etc. could be incorporated. 3. Legislative Drafting Facility in CARICOM to be used to support countries by developing model legislation (Tobacco etc.).
Question 3 cont’d 4. CARICOM to provide policy briefs for development of the National NCD Commissions 5. CARICOM, PAHO/WHO and Universities to provide support in identification of Grants and Grant Writing.