Snowballs in June!
Business Idea “Snowball in June is a business that sells snow comes in the summer months through the school store to students in Largo High School.
Owner’s Qualifications I am currently enrolled in an Entrepreneurship and College Level Accounting course. Have already created a previous business: Web Whale Design. I have experience with customer relations through volunteer events.
Short And Long Term Goals Short Term Goals Graduate from Largo High School in the year Attend Hampton University funded by either a Swimming scholarship or revenues from my other business Web Whale. Graduate from Hampton university with a degree in Business and Computer Science Long Term Goals Own many businesses in relation with computer sciences. Gain enough expertise in computer programming to design and sell software which can solve a wide variety of computer related problems.
Target Market The target market for Snowballs in June is students of Largo High School. I believe that this will be very appropriate because the snow cones will be sold in the school store and no one else sells snow cones in Largo High School so it will be an untouched market
Market Research Due to the success of other frozen drinks and the large percentage of their teenage and adolescent customers this business will be most successful. Stores like Seven- eleven and frozen drink stands in six flags have all taken advantage of the need to have a sweet cold treat on a hot summer’s day.
Competitive Advantage The competitive advantage of Snowballs in June is the fact that none else in Largo High School sells them, making our product untouched in terms of availability. We will also be selling our product in the Summer months giving us the ability to cool down the student body, another advantage in this overheated school. We must also take into consideration the lack of proper hydration for students in the school and the expensiveness of sodas the only acceptable liquid for consumption in the school aside from slushies which are sold only during lunch time.
Marketing Plan Post up and pass out Flyers, make announcements over the PA system and, use word of mouth to advertise the snow cones. Make revenues. If conditions are appropriate buy another snow come machine to double production.
Start Up Costs Supplies –6 Flavor Packs$ 5.50 –Box of 500 cups$ 5.00 –Bag of Ice$.75 Equipment –6 Flavor Dispenser Bottles$ 3.50 –Electric Ice Shaver$40.00 Advertisements –Flyers(In Kind) Total$54.75
Economics of one Unit 1 Unit=1 snow cone Selling Price=$3.00 Servicetime=5 minutes Supplies –Cups (1 cup)=$.10 –Flavoring (1 flavor)=$.03 –Ice (several cubes)=$.01 $.14 C.O.S.S=$.14 Gross Profit=$2.86
Fixed Costs Advertising –Flyers Total Advertising Monthly Yearly In KindIn Kind $0.00$0.00
Monthly Sales Projection January0 February0 March350 April400 May450 June300 July0 August150 September350 October0 November0 December0 Total 2,000
Monthly Sales Projection: March Units Sold = Selling Price = Total Sales = Total C.O.G.S = Gross Profit = Fixed Costs = Profit Before Taxes = Taxes at 25% = Net Profit = 350 $ 3.00 $1, $ $1, $ 0.00 $1, $ $
Yearly Budgeted Income Statement: 2004 – 2005 Units Sold = Selling Price = Total Sales = Total C.O.G.S = Gross Profit = Fixed Costs = Profit Before Taxes = Taxes at 25% = Net Profit = 2,000 $ 3.00 $6, $ $5, $ 0.00 $5, $1, $4,290.00
Financial Ratio Return on investment $4, $ X 100% = 77.35% 54.75
Entrepreneur's Credo Put the Customer First Keep Good Records. Make Sure we Know What we are Doing Satisfy the Customer’s Needs