Jeanette Winterson’s Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal? A critical review for a school online library MODULE 1 – GROUP 2 From the Industrial Revolution to the Postmodern Crisis of Capitalism Manchester: A Case Study in European History
WHAT AND HOW? Task: writing a positive critical review about J. Winterson’s novel Objectives: evidencing the most relevant features of a memoir, generating a review Materials: J. Winterson’s novel, online reviews, PC, the Internet, teacher’s site Text types analysed: memoir, essays, reviews, narrative texts Methodology: individual reading and group work (cooperative and collaborative learning)
WHY? Language skills: speaking, reading, listening, writing, discussing, public speaking Study Skills and Knowledge: structure of a novel, use of literary code, textual and structural analysis, critical interpretation of resources, spoken and written production ICT skills: Word, PowerPoint, Internet surfing What to do with the language Competence: Writing a critical review for a school online library
SKILLS - STUDY PRACTICE Learning skills reading/listening, comprehension, textual analysis, group discussion, critical thinking, gathering of ideas, selection, planning, writing drafting, redrafting, peer proof reading, reorganizing, generating a.ppt presentation, public speaking.
FEEDBACK We have become aware of the effects of the Industrial Revolution We have learnt the main features of the different systems of thought which have developed during and after the Industrial Revolution (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, …) We have learnt to compare different perspectives on the same subject, distinguishing plain facts from personal opinions We have improved our writing skills We have found the workshop a more involving and interesting activity than the usual frontal lesson