Pre-writing, drafting, revising and editing your work
What are we going to write about? Outline the benefits of growing up in Australia? Explain why …………. Is the best sport in Australia? Discuss why school is or isn’t the best time of your life. Describe the greatest movie or video game ever produced.
The writing process
Step 1: pre-writing
Step 2: Draft Let’s put pen to paper… No seriously just write, don’t think too much follow your mind map plan for structure and write!
Step 3: revise During this step: 1.Re-read the question/task 2.Check your work answers the question 3.Read your work aloud and check it sounds right 4.If needed move sentences and paragraphs around 5.If needed re-word, add or remove sentences
Step 4: edit 1.Use a checklist 2.Look for the small things 3.Peer edit
Step 5: Publish 1. to your teacher 2.Manually submit to your teacher