Welcome to Writing Class! Mrs. Hickner-Johnson 7 Gold
Units of Study 1 st Quarter 6 Traits of Writing Writing Preassessment Interview/Journalis m Journalism/Interview Unit
Units of Study 2 nd Quarter Proper Grammar Usage Assessment Final Conventions Writing Piece Sentence Fluency Sentence Fluency Assessment Eight Parts of Speech Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adjectives Adverbs Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases Interjections Conjunctions
3 rd Quarter Units of Study Speech Unit How-to Descriptive Persuasive *District Common Assessment* Research Social Studies Project (Cause and Effect Essay) MLA in-text citations and Works Cited Page Thesis Statement Compare/contrast usage Analyzing informational texts Note-taking strategies Plagiarism laws Drafting process Revising Process
4 th Quarter Units of Study Bronx Masquerade Prose and Poetry Writing Poetic Terms Imagery Tone Figurative Language Sound Devices Symbolism 55-fiction *District Common Assessment*
Work Expectations Writing assignments will be posted on the classroom calendar. Students will be required to use Google Docs to write their papers – every student has a school Google account. Students will be required to turn-in three creative writing pieces a quarter. These will come from their Wednesday Writing Workshop Notebook.