Meeting NFPA 1710: Using GIS to Model Ideal Fire Station Allocation 2009 Ohio GIS Conference September 16-18, 2009 Crowne Plaza North Hotel Columbus, Ohio 2009 Ohio GIS Conference September 16-18, 2009 Crowne Plaza North Hotel Columbus, Ohio Jennifer Weisser GIS Coordinator Deerfield Township Randall W. Hanifen Adjunct Professor/Fire Officer University of Cincinnati/ Deerfield Township
Project Beginnings Fire station locations –Where to locate a new station? –Where to relocate a station?
Interdepartmental Solutions Need expertise from both GIS and Fire Departments to approach this project Building relationships with other governmental entities to facilitate data exchange
Fire Literature 1710: time objectives for call response 1710: Appendix A explanation of standard language –90% of calls within 6 minute response 1 minute dispatch time 1 minute turnout time 4 minute drive time –Fractile vs. average 90% fractile is 5.5 minutes Average is 3.5 minutes
Fire Literature Fire Protection Handbook 20 th edition volume 2 section 12 chapter 13: GIS for fire station locations and response protocols (AKA ESRI white paper) –Incident analysis –Travel time modeling –Importance of response time fire & EMS –Fire department total reflex time sequence dispatch time, turnout time, response time, access time & setup time –Reducing response times NFPA 1221 standard for installation maintenance & use of emergency services communication
Measuring Distance EuclideanNetwork
Data - Street Network Clean geometry One-way designations Hierarchies Speed limits Segment distance Conversions & calculations –Length_miles = Shape_length/5280 –Minutes = Length_miles*(60/speed_limit)
Data - Turning Penalties
Analysis Settings
Service Area Generation
No TrimTrimmed
Service Area Generation Detailed PolygonsGeneralized Polygons
Statistical Verification of Model Paired t-test –To compare historical call times (reality) to calculated response time (model) –Objective keep null hypothesis
Service Areas
Model Applications Calculate the existing service areas for the current configuration of fire stations Alternative scenarios of fire station arrangements Impact of preempting devices on service areas Evaluation of emergency response zone borders & mutual aid with other jurisdictions Location allocation Assisting with the accreditation process
Contact Info Jennifer Weisser ~~~ Randall W. Hanifen