Unit 19 Vocabulary Exam Date: Exam Date: February 10, 2012 February 10, 2012
Droll Something that is droll is funny in a smart way. Syn-funny Ant-serious
Invade If someone invades a place, they enter it rudely or violently. Syn-trespass Ant-leave
Merriment When there is merriment, people are having fun and laughing. Syn-enjoyment Ant-sadness
Outbreak If there’s an outbreak of something, it suddenly starts to show up in many places. Syn-epidemic
Reside If you reside somewhere, you live there or are staying there. Syn-live in Ant-depart
Slouch Someone who is a slouch lets their shoulders and head droop down in a way that doesn’t look good. Syn-sag Ant-straighten
Stride Your stride is the way you walk, usually long steps you take when you’re walking or running. Syn-Step
Symbolic Something that is symbolic stands for an idea or thing other than itself. Syn-indicate Ant-nonsymbolic