National Food Security Mission Palakkad Rice Department of Agriculture Government of Kerala
Details of Funds received during Total amount sanctioned during Rs lakhs Total amount received from Government of IndiaRs lakhs. Total expenditure incurred by KeralaRs lakhs Balance to be received from Government of IndiaRs lakhs
National Food Security Mission Kerala - Physical and Financial Achievement as on March 2010 Sl. No. Name of scheme TargetAchievement Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) Physical Committed expendi ture (Rs Lakhs) 1 Demonstration ha Demonstration on improved package of practices of rice 206 nos System of Rice Intensification (SRI)150 nos Varietal replacement of Rice Qtl Nutrient management/soil ameliorants a.Promotion of Micronutrients in rice3600 ha b.Application of Lime in Rice10000 ha Seed Mini kit Programme of rice 2063 nos Farmers field school50 nos Assistance for plant protection chemicals10000 ha
National Food Security Mission Kerala - Physical and Financial Achievement as on March 2010 (Cont…) Sl. No. Name of scheme TargetAchievement Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) Physical Committed expendi ture (Rs Lakhs) 7Mechanization aConoweeder bSeed drill25 cRotavator205 dPumpset60427 ePower weeder2532 fKnapsack sprayer Local initiative 20 9Miscellaneous Expenditure Total
Details of Minikit distributed during VarietyNo. of minikits 1.Uma Athira1963 Total2063 (Minikits distributed by NSC)
Details of Seed distribution Name of varietyQuantity of seed distributed(MT) 1.Kanchana Jyothi Uma Jaya Harsha Ponmani Aiswarya Annapoorna0.25 Total
Planning of inputs for Kharif Seed Required seeds have been arranged through State Seed Development Authority and NSC. Fertilizer, PPC, MicronutrientArrangements have made to supply inputs through Co-operative societies by issuing permits.
Status of Minikit distribution Varieties allocated for distributionUma – 2000 kits. Athira – 63 kits. Agency distributing minikitsNSC Progress of distributionNot yet started.
National Food Security Mission Kerala - Physical and Financial Target Sl. No. Name of scheme Target Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) 1 Demonstration ha Demonstration on improved package of practices of rice 250 nos.6.25 System of Rice Intensification (SRI)150 nos.4.5 2Varietal replacement of Rice25000 Qtl.125 3Nutrient management/soil ameliorants a.Promotion of Micronutrients in rice3600 ha18 b.Application of Lime in Rice6000 ha30 4Seed Mini kit Programme of rice2063 nos.0 5Farmers field school30nos.5.1
National Food Security Mission Kerala - Physical and Financial Target (Cont…) Sl. No. Name of scheme Target Physical Financial Amount (Rs Lakhs) 6Assistance for plant protection chemicals3000 ha15 7Mechanization aConoweedder50015 bSeed drill101.5 cRotavator103 dPumpset252.5 ePower weeder101.5 fKnapsack sprayer Local initiative 20 Total
Area,Production and Yield of Rice - Kerala Area HaProduction(MT) Yield Kg/ha ANFSM DISTRICTS 1Palakkad Total (A) BNON-NFSM DISTRICTS 1Thiruvananthapuram Kollam Pathanamthitta Alappuzha Kottayam Idukki Ernakulam Thrissur Malappuram Kozhikode Wayanad Kannur Kasaragode Total (B) GRAND TOTAL (A+B)
Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in Kerala – Sl. No. DistrictArea (ha) Production (MT) Productivity (kg/ha) 1Thiruvananthapuram Kollam Pathanamthitta Alappuzha Kottayam Idukki Ernakulam Thrissur Palakkad (NFSM district) Malappuram Kozhikode Wayanad Kannur Kasaragode Grand Total
Area,Production and Yield of Rice (Estimate) Sl.No.Districts Area (ha)Production (MT) Productivity (Kg/ha) ANFSM DISTRICTS 1Palakkad Total (A) BNON-NFSM DISTRICTS 1Thiruvananthapuram Kollam Pathanamthitta Alappuzha Kottayam Idukki Ernakulam Thrissur Malappuram Kozhikode Wayanad Kannur Kasaragode Total (B) GRAND TOTAL (A+B)