7:3 Age of Jackson
The “Corrupt Bargain” JQA v. Jackson No majority of electoral vote = House decides Clay/JQA make a deal-JQA wins
John Quincy Adams 6 th President Republican Supported Clay’s American System Signed the Tariff of 1828-the Tariff of Abominations!!
1828 JQA v. AJ Election “Era of the Common Man” More common voters Inauguration at White House
Nastiest election ever? 1 st “smear” campaigns Buttons/songs/pamphlets attacking AJ – Marriage – Massacring Indians – Executing convicted soldiers – dueling
Jacksonian Democracy Political philosophy based on: – Stronger executive branch – Weaker Congress – Expand public participation in government – **Suffrage for all adult white males
Spoils System Rotation in office Kitchen cabinet
President Obama’s Cabinet
Native American Policy Indian Removal Act 1830 Indian Territory
Trail of Tears Cherokee GA to Indian Territory Casualties of the removal
2012 Indian Reservations
7:4 States’ Rights and the National Bank
John C. Calhoun AJ’s vice president SC
Nullification Crisis John C. Calhoun SC threatens secession over the 1828 “Tariff of Abominations STATE’s RIGHTS: states have certain rights and political powers separate from those held by the federal government that the federal government may not violate
Sectionalism Northern manufacturers v. Southern plantation owners
The BUS “The Monster” Links government to wealthy Vetoes bill to extend charter Jackson Kills the bank!!!