Chapter 4 Section 1
The Elements of Culture Culture is the total of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and passed on by the members of a specific group. Culture involves the following factors: –Food shelter –Religion –Relationships to family and others –Language –Education –Security/protection –Political and social organization –Creative expression
Society Ethnic Group
Culture Change and Exchange Innovation Diffusion Acculturation
Language Language and Identity Language Families Language Diffusion
Religion Major Religion –Judaism –Christianity –Islam –Other Asian Practices
Creative Culture Expressions All cultures have a way of expressing themselves creatively. The environment and cultures in which an artist lives is reflected in the artistic product.
Chapter 4 Section 2
Population Geography Worldwide Population Growth –Birth and Death rates –Population Pyramid Population Distribution –Habitable lands –Urban-rural mix –Migration Population density Carrying Capacity
Chapter 4 Section 3
Political Geography Types of Government –Democracy –Monarchy –Dictatorship –Communis
Geographic Characteristics of Nations Size Shape Location
National Boundaries Natural Boundaries Artificial Boundaries
Regional Political Systems
Chapter 4 Section 4
Urban Geography Urban Areas –Suburbs –Metropolitan area Urbanization
City Locations
Land Use Patterns Residential Industrial Commercial
Functions of Cities
Chapter 4 Section 5
Economic Geography Economic Systems –Traditional Economy –Command Economy –Market Economy –Mixed Economy
Economic Activities Levels of Economic Activity –Primary Activities –Secondary Activities –Tertiary Activities –Quaternary Activities
The Economics of Natural Resources Renewable Non-renewable Inexhaustible energy sources
Economic Support Systems Infrastructure
Measure of Economic Development Per capita Income GNP GDP
Development Levels