Engineering I Engineers build bridges. Engineers test structures by loading them to failure. Engineers design bridges for maximum strength-to weight ratio. Unfortunately, all three of these notions are quite wrong.
Engineering I The essence of engineering is design. Engineering design entails the application of math, science, and technology to create something that meets a human need. The engineering design process is, at the same time, both systematic and creative. And the engineering design process is always iterative: engineers must explore many different alternatives before they can hope to achieve an optimum solution. These are the essential characteristics of engineering.
Engineering I What is Technology? Construct a definition of Technology What is an “-ology?” Sociology, Biology, Psychology So what is good working definition of the word “Technology”?
Engineering I How old is technology? Many archaeologists, sociologists believe ONE technology has shaped our society to what it is today. Can you guess what it is? The plow! What were the societal effects of this technology? What innovations were made on it?
Engineering I In order to eat we needed to develop tools. Tools are the first essential element for all technology systems. These tools are made of materials (2nd) We name eras according to material usage Stone Age approx. 2,000,000 years ago. Bronze Age approx BC Iron Age approx BC
Engineering I As discussed the Plow came about in 8,000 BC Importance of Agricultural Based tools: Plow, Carts, Carriages, Water Wheels. The waterwheel was invented around 100BC. It was used primarily to grind grain for food.
Engineering I Adaptations today resemble turbines spun by the flow of water through a sluice in a dam. Additional gears and fly wheels were set up to the original waterwheels to spin milling equipment for lumber. Man adapted his tools to satisfy needs. Can you see the changes these technologies made in the way man lived?
Engineering I Examine a Specific Artifact- Pick one! What is it made of? We call these materials resources. Natural and Man-made. Renewable, Non-renewable and re-usable. What were the affects of this technology? How has “drive-thru” technology altered our society?
Engineering I Technology: The generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities.
Engineering I Technology is defined as a system having seven essential elements: Capital Energy Resources/Materials Tools People Information Time
Engineering I Story time: Scientists have observed monkeys in the South American rainforest. These monkeys eat Brazilia Nuts off trees. The shell is too hard to bite open. These monkeys have found they can use a rock to smash the nut on the ground to open it. According to our definition is this Technology?
Engineering I All Technology can be classified into five general classifications: Construction Transportation Manufacturing Communication Bio-related
Engineering I So know lets examine engineering. Engineering design entails the application of math, science, and technology to create something that meets a human need. Human need is central. Similar to the Technology Definition
Careers in Engineering Discipline: A specific area practiced by an engineer. They do overlap. There are several sub-categories under each of the major headings. Role: The jobs within the disciplines that are held by engineers. Research, Inventor, Supervisor, Human Resources, Sales, Financial Management Example: Degreed Mechanical Engineer that is the head of Sales for Ford Motor Corporation.
Careers in Engineering Disciplines: Aerospace Agricultural Architectural Chemical Civil Electrical Industrial Mechanical Civil Electrical Industrial Mechanical Nuclear Petroleum
Careers in Engineering Assignment: Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation 2 people per team maximum 5 slide minimum 5 related pictures or illustrations Slide one: Title of your discipline, your names, date and school. Slide two: Description of the engineering discipline. Slide three: Educational Preparation including number of years, three Georgia schools offering the degree program, three non- Georgia schools offering the degree program. Slide four: from or list three examples of current job openings for this area (DO NOT LIST HEAD HUNTERS AS POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS). Slide five: Average Georgia Income, Average US Income.