Medium Sean John has been one of the most respected name in the fashion market as well as other ventures which includes Rim for cars Cologne Record label Men and Women wear shoe apparel Vodka drink Film production The Purpose of this brand is to target young people Men And women as well Next thing up little kids Role Playing young people love his market It has such a powerful presence in the African American community That one can’t resist but try to be like Sean john They wear his cologne They wear his clothes They want to be in his Bad Boy Record Label It’s hard not to find a young person who Knows Him who doesn’t want to be like Diddy, Puffy, or Sean John
Formation > The Text was originated by Sean John. After building His own record Label called Bad boy in He wanted to achieve his long Time dream which was to invest in his own clothing Apparel. He started the company in 1998 because He believed at the time that there was a Gap in the Urban market. He wanted to do something well made, Sophisticated, young and stylish so he came up with Sean john. He started with an urban label now he has Reached his peak as an international brand. Sean John is an confident person so when it comes up to promote and invest in the market it was easy and plan for him H is 100% behind what he produces and He has people that back him up So it is really up to him to know what to do where to go and what his prize Targets will be. When He first started the label he wanted to target mostly young black African American because that was what his record label was after. So when he started his clothing line he was easy for him to know who to go after. Now, that he is all over the world he does not only target the same group but he expands his venture with more people in mind and now he has clothes for the ladies and suits that can attracts any men under the sun.
Biases I really think highly of Sean John Because he had drop out of Georgetown University to tackle his own record label. I believe that he is doing something interesting for young people in the community. He has a new show in MTV called making the Band where he looks for talents, structure, and sign them in his own record label and he gives them a way to achieve their goals. I am really objective on the violence that happen by his artist in his label, where it leaves tupac and Biggie dead and shine in jail. Because of the lyrics that he has supported to be putting out, that has made a difference among the African Americans where violence is rising. I don’t believe that anyone is perfect, I believe strongly that everyone has the right to be a go-getter and everything that they do but there are things that one can do to be a positive impact for young people. I believe that he has gone through a lot of lawsuits where something violent has happened.
Message Critics have positively and negatively attract Sean john in any level of His Work, but that has not slow him down. The thing about him, is the fact that he wants more. He will never stop until he realizes that he has the world in his hand symbolically. He wants to be the best at everything that he touches and he wants to do it well. There are a lot of issues that is raised about the Sean john brand, one is the fact that some filthy word has become part of him. Just recently he has backed up one word out of his TV show “ No Bitchassness” and has made countless shirts out of it. He knows million and million of young people are watching, still he doesn’t care. It will be a great problem to hear my daughter say to me Daddy you are acting weird and I think you have some Bitchassness in you. As a leader what is the example one is showing by printing a shirt like that to the public. If he is such an impact and a lot of young people are following him, than for him to design a shirt like that is unprofessional.
Audience The primary audience is young people, now he is exposing himself to a more diverse group where he is more getting his name to be a household name. Young people think of his brand as being an interesting market one in the community. His apparel is phenomenon, his cologne has a classic scent, more and more young people yearn to get in his record label. In fact he has achieved the goal of being one of the most important name in the music, fashion, cologne industry. Since a lot of young people longs to be like him, he has become such a powerful figure in the community that even if something could have gone wrong in his own business there is no way they will stop buying his stuff. He is such a relevant piece in the community. Sean John has been a commercial success on or overseas. People knows him from all around the globe. He is one person who will never stop.
Opportunities Sean john has become a great brand in the world around One thing that I have notice is the fact that he portraits so much about self. It shows that one way of life is not enough and one needs to be a certain way to be seen as great. If the majority goes with it well that’s what is going to work. When it comes to Sean John a lot of that is shown. A positive that is seen showing in this brand is that men needs to be happy about themselves. All Sean john is doing is showing you how to take care of yourself or to be respectable in the eyes of your peers. One doesn’t need to wear Sean john cologne to feel good or wear his clothes to feel superior. The feeling is within, all of these things can be control. The brand is so expensive sometimes that he can have one work so hard just to buy a pair of jeans from a days’ pay and I think that is temptation. All his this is vanity and the world needs to focus and the young people need to watch out about what they do. Especially when one is squandering money on things that will not wear for long
Ministry Sean John has become part of my youth group. Growing up in a society, that is all some young people see and know so it has become part of a culture to them. The thing is their parents were raised In the same culture also, so it is nothing when they see their kids wear sean john. Actually, they take pride in that. I can’t educate my youth group to stop doing what they are doing but I can be a tool or a role model to show them sometime in things, there are positive and negatives. So, it is always good to take the positive thing and throw away the bad. It is an issue to be aware of because sometimes these people portrait some negative aspect in the brand that they sell. But the question is for what reason will you buy the brand,is it for self sell out or for wearing in a cold weather. In this postmodern world it is hard to tell people what’s good for them because they don’t listen and they do what they think is best. If wearing the clothes and the brand is good than that is what they going to do. The positive thing about the youth is that they listen and they pay attention that matters to them. In reality I am not saying that it is bad to wear Sean john but all I am saying is. There is another way to find glory and that is through Jesus Christ himself. There is a lot of young people out there who will pay attention if you know what you are saying. In reality we just have to keep working with our young people and support them in their every day decisions.