Emilia Michalski-Weeks Abortion Laws and the Rights of Women
I first became interested in this topic when my teacher Ms. Miller told us to think of controversial topics if we were having a hard time coming up with one, which I was.
Topic: Abortion and the laws banning it Driving Question: Are the laws against abortion unfair to women? My Paper
Thesis Statement: Laws prohibiting abortion are unfair because they take away a woman's right to decide for themselves, they do not account for a multitude of problems that could occur, they tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies, and they have a flawed basis of fetal-pain. My Paper continued...
Ideas in My Paper Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973 Other people should not be able to tell women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies Problems that can happen during a pregnancy are not able to be detected until after the 1 st trimester Many studies have shown that fetal pain is not a valid reason to ban abortion
I put on a three day bake, from March 25 th -27 th sale at CEC I made a donation the National Organization of Women from the money I made by doing a bake sale My Product
My product will help the NOW organization in fighting the bills that are trying to ban abortion in the U.S. I learned a lot about time management and handling money. My Product continued...
I sold cookies for 50 cents, brownies for 75 cents, and cupcakes originally for $1.25 but I changed it to just $1.00
I donated the money to the money to the NOW organization which supports women's rights in in government, including the abortion bills, which is what my paper is about. Connection between Paper and Product
I made a good amount of money to give to the NOW organization ($140) I had to stay up until about 11 o'clock every night baking for the next day's sale. Successes and Challenges of Graduation Project
This project has taught me a lot about bills and government I would like to continue to be involved in politics and voice my opinion even when it is a controversial issue like abortion. I am thinking about getting involved in politics when I get older, more than just voting. Final Process Reflection
NAF. (2010). Retrieved May 9, 2012, from e_v_wade.html e_v_wade.html Cohen, G. "The flawed basis behind fetal-pain abortion laws." The Washington Post. 1 Aug Retrieved 11 Sept. 2012, from < ns/the-flawed-basis-behind-fetal-pain- abortion- laws/2012/08/01/gJQAS0w8PX_story.ht mlhttp:// ns/the-flawed-basis-behind-fetal-pain- abortion- laws/2012/08/01/gJQAS0w8PX_story.ht ml Works Cited
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