SCIENCE LITERACY Third Grade: Unit 2 Heat Transfer
heat energymoleculestransfer radiationconvection
Unit 2
Once upon a time, a King had a brilliant idea …
Unit 2
Did you know that the first hot air balloon was not piloted by people? Everyone thought it was too dangerous for people to travel that high in the air so they decided to use a sheep, a duck and a chicken! Imagine the squawks (and the stench) during this first balloon flight in Not only was it filled with barn animals, but it was powered by burning manure, straw, and other items in a fire pit. That made for some pretty smelly smoke! The balloon was in flight for over eight minutes and reached a mile high. That’s 5,208 feet in the air!
Though this flight sounds like something out of a fairytale, it was important in two ways: First, it was the first successful flight of a hot air balloon and second, it proved to King Louis XVI that the atmosphere at higher elevations was breathable for human beings. Until then, no one had ever traveled that high in the air. Hot air ballooning has come a long way since this early flight, but the history is remarkable.
Unit 2 Convection
Unit 2 Radiation is the process through which the heat emitted from a hot surface is transferred across space. The Sun, which is a VERY hot surface, emits heat toward the Earth and solar system continuously. Only about 25% of the Sun’s radiant energy reaches the surface of the Earth. The remaining 75% is absorbed by the atmosphere or reflected back into space.
Light bulbs also emit heat through radiation. The heat travels out in all directions, a result of the hot wire inside the bulb that glows. In older light bulbs, more than 90% of the light energy was converted to heat. This made the bulbs dangerous to touch and fire hazards in the home.
Unit 2
Ye Royal Report on Hot Air Balloon Travel By Captain Rooster, Co-Pilot Duck, and Navigator Sheep How Yon Balloon Lifted into the Air How Yon Balloon Traveled Through the Air How Yon Balloon was Brought Back to Earth How Yon Animals Felt About Being Up in the Air heatflameliftdescendfloathot airrise convection moleculesexpandcontract atmosphere