National Aeronautics and Space Administration Kevin DaughertyProject Manager
RaD-X Science Motivation RaD-X contributes to the NASA Heliophysics Division Living With A Star (LWS) Program’s Strategic Goal #1: improve prediction of biologically harmful radiation exposure to air travelers by enhancing the understanding of cosmic ray transport processes and interactions with the atmosphere NASA LaRC has made significant advances in quantifying and documenting aircraft radiation exposure by developing the Nowcast of Atmospheric Ionizing Radiation for Aviation Safety (NAIRAS) model: the first real-time, global, physics-based model that includes both galactic cosmic ray and solar energetic particle sources of radiation exposure. A critical step remains before NAIRAS can transition to operations at the NOAA National Weather Service: It must be verified & validated RaD-X is an important next step in the V&V process -- collecting and processing data from the top of the atmosphere (TOA) that will constrain the model RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 2 LWS Strategic Goal #1: “Penetrating particle radiation adversely affects aircraft avionics and potentially the health of airline crews and passengers… The [LWS] program needs to deliver the understanding and modeling required for useful prediction of the variable solar particulate and radiation environment at Earth…” 2 Jun 2015
Flight Profile 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 3
Science Enhancement Opportunities RaD-X has been gathering a lot of interest in both the United States and Europe. Many groups have already expressed interest in using the data for research or model correlation efforts RaD-X has recently expanded its scientific impact through moderate investments and in-kind contributions from other researchers: 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 4 ER-2 – High altitude aircraft flight carrying a TEPC + TID – ARMAS project is contributing the TEPC + TID package – RaD-X is funding the aircraft time Chase Plane – Low altitude aircraft flight carrying a TEPC + Liulin – Dr. Benson at OSU is providing TEPC + Liulin package – Chase aircraft already part of balloon operations German Aerospace Center (DLR) is joining the mission – Moderate altitude aircraft flight carrying a dosimeter package – Flight will occur in Europe at same Geomagnetic Cutoff Rigidity as RaD-x balloon flight – Entire mission funded by DLR
Payload Segment 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 5 TEPC (in enclosure) Liulin RaySure (in enclosure) TID Avionics Box
System Testing 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 6
Parking Lot Testing 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 7
Integrated Payload 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 8 Ballast Hopper (CSBF) Science Batteries (RaD-X) Payload Segment (RaD-X) Consolidated Instrumentation Package (CIP) (CSBF) GPS/Iridium Antenna (RaD-X) Gondola (CSBF) Interface Plate (CSBF)
Upcoming Events Pre-Ship Review6/9 Shipment8/26-9/1 Flight9/14 2 Jun 2015 RaD-X Overview FPD-All Hands 9