1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E The student is expected to: 2F collect and organize qualitative and quantitative data and make measurements with accuracy and precision using tools... and 3E evaluate models according to their limitations in representing biological objects or events
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E KEY CONCEPT Technology continually changes the way biologists work.
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E Observations include making measurements Scientists use a variety of tools to gather and analyze data. –Field journals are used to record data. –Laboratory glassware and hot plates allow scientists to set up experiments. –Microscopes and hand lenses enhance the senses. –Rulers, balances, timing devices, and electronic probeware are used to gather quantitative data. –Computers are used to calculate, analyze, and report data.
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E Observations include making measurements Quantitative data are gathered through measurement, using the modern metric system. –Accuracy is a description of how close a measurement is to the true value of the quantity measured. –Precision is the exactness of a measurement.
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E Technology contributes to the progress of science. A microscope provides an enlarged image of an object. sto ma –light microscopes (LM) 2 Dimensional – scanning electron microscopes (SEM) 3D – transmission electron microscopes (TEM)2D stoma
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E –functional MRI (fMRI) –magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Medical Imaging –x-ray images
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E Complex systems are modeled on computers. Computer models are used to study systems that cannot be studied directly. –heart attacks –effect of medicines on the human body –movement of water molecules into and out of a cell –spread of a disease through a population Computer models are used when experiments are not safe, ethical, or practical. Normal heartbeat Heart attack
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E The tools of molecular genetics give rise to new biological studies. A gene is a segment of DNA that stores genetic information.
1.4 Biologists’ Tools and Technology TEKS 2F, 3E Through our understanding of DNA, we can study genetics on a molecular level. –molecular genetics –genomics