Physical Regions By: Matt Rahimi
Appalachians Topography -made up of different ranges -contains fertile plateaus -rivers provide transportation -coal, oil, gas found in sediment Climate -affected by 2 ocean currents -labrador current and gulf stream -breeding ground and food for fish Vegetation -heavily forested with mixed coniferous and deciduous -could survive in poor soil -flourishes on the plateaus ECO. Activities -mining, forestry, agriculture, -chemical industries, and heavy industry
Coastal Plains Topography -mostly flat surface or gently rolling -important feature is mississippi delta -contains many swamps, and marshes Climate -cold and snowy winters -hot and humid summers -southern portion has subtropical climate Vegetation -soil is mainly very sandy -lush jungles -pine forest was original vegetation Eco. Activities -tourism, recreation, shipping at the ports -paper making, commercial fishing, and forestry
Interior Plains Topography -gently rolling, flat -gradually sloping down -divided into central lowland and great plains Climate -continental climate -climate at extreme -long, hot summers, cold winters, and little rain -in the north its the opposite Vegetation -deciduous trees and scattered evergreen -prairie grasses, grassland, boreal forest Eco. Activities -agriculture -mining -livestock
Canadian Shield Topography -barren rock surface -chaotic patterns of rivers -lowland and covered with clay Climate -winters extremely long and cold -summers very short and cold Vegetation -boreal forest -evergreen, spruce, pine, and fir -sandy soil -deciduous trees Eco. Activities -mining -farming -forestry -tertiary and service industries
Western Cordillera Topography -new mountains(not worn down by erosion) -twice as high as the appalachians -rocky mountains Climate -maritime climate -moist and mild -cold winters, cool summers Vegetation -evergreens, and fir -giant sequoia -tundra -cactuss Eco. Activities -farming -mining -tourism
Intermountain Region Topography -areas that can be made by productive irrigation -streams and rivers flow into brackish lakes Climate -affected by its location and elevation -winters are cool and wet -summers are hot and dry -lack of precipitation Vegetation -sparse grassland -plants that survive in desert conditions -higher ares covered in thin pine forest Eco. Activities -agriculture -forestry
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Topography -flat -rolling hills Climate -continental climate(HUMID) -cool temperature during summer -warm surroundings during winter Vegetation -very fertile soils -largest broad-leafed forest -maple, hickory, and black walnut trees thrive -deciduous and coniferous Eco. Activities -farming -manufacturing -mining
Arctic Topography -very flat -glaciers more in the north Climate -very severe -winters last 10mts. -too cold and dry - summers are VERY short Vegetation -lichen -shrubs -mosses -purple saxifrage(plant) Eco. Activities -fishing -hunting -reindeer herding
Physical Regions M Appalachian- orange Coastal Plains- brown Interior Plains- yellow Canadian Shield- red Western cordillera- pink Intermountain Region- green Great Lakes St. Lawrence- blue Arctic- purple Mount Logan- M