Unit 4 The Judicial Branch Quiz 2 Review. What is a writ of certiorari?


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 4 The Judicial Branch Quiz 2 Review

What is a writ of certiorari?

A request by the Supreme Court to have the records from a lower court sent up for review

How do the justices of the Supreme Court determine what cases to hear?

The Rule of Four – four must agree to hear a particular case.

What is a dissenting opinion?

A Supreme Court opinion from the losing side, that explains the reasons why some voted against the decision. They are important because sometimes the Court reverses its own decisions.

What are amicus curiae briefs?

Briefs submitted to the Supreme Court regard some case by parties who have an interest in the matter.

There are two ways (or reasons) a case get’s appealed to the Supreme Court. They are?

A procedural error during one’s trial, or a constitutional issues involving one’s civil liberties.

What specifics are there in the Constitution, regarding the day to day running of the Supreme Court?

Nothing, nadda, squat, jack, zippo, the big doughnut…

Does the Supreme Court made decisions regarding the guilt or innocence of the parties involved?

NO, it merely rules on the rule of law and the US Constitution.

Can a Supreme Court justice get a paper route if he or she so chooses?

Sure, but they’re more likely to oversee an investigation into the assassination of a president or a war crimes trial in Germany, that get a paper route.

What happens Monday through Wednesday at the Supreme Court?

It’s croissant day in the commissary, but also, the 9 justices listen to oral arguments on those days.

Who is the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court?

John Roberts, Jr. And he comes from Buffalo, NY.

Today, in a confirmation hearing by the US Senate, this issue and case will likely be discussed…

Abortion and the Roe v. Wade case from 1973

What is a majority opinion?

The opinion of a majority of the justices and it explains in some detail the reasoning for deciding the case as they did.

What is appellate jurisdiction

When the Supreme Court (or any court for that matter), accepts a case that has been appealed from a lower court

What is the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction?

A case that involves states or a foreign government, a case where the only logical court to hear it would be the Supreme Court

The End Hope this helps some, and for some, it will help