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Presentation transcript:



INTRODUCTION | The History The AUNILO (ASEAN University Network Inter-Library Online) Working Committee was formed as a result of the Resolution of the Conference on ASEAN University Network Inter-Library Online held at De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines on 13 February 2002.

INTRODUCTION | The Objectives

INTRODUCTION | The Secretariat Universiti Sains Malaysia Library (Malaysia) was selected as the AUNILO Secretariat in The terms of reference are as follows: Coordinate with the AUN Secretariat and member libraries planned activities of and monitor progress of said activities Facilitate communication among member libraries Act as clearing house for training and other program Present a progress report at the annual meeting

INTRODUCTION | AUNILO Portal  AUNILO PORTAL o The Universiti of Malaya was also appointed to host the AUNILO Portal in ( o AUNILO Facebook was created in 2011 o AUNILO on Flickr was also created in 2011 o The portal was enhanced with RSS feed in PortalFacebookFlickrRss Feed

INTRODUCTION | The Members The AUNILO committee is composed of 30 member libraries of 10 member countries

MEETINGDATEHOSTTHEME 1st Meeting28 th - 30 th April 2004Nanyang Technological University Library, Singapore “Growing People: Training & Developing New-Age Information Professionals for Academic Libraries” 2nd Meeting 30 th Nov - 2 nd Dec 2005 Universiti Sains Malaysia Library, Malaysia “Library Services Quality Assurance” 3rd Meeting18 th - 21 st Sept 2006 Universiti Brunei Darussalam Library, Brunei Darussalam “Technology in Libraries” 4th Meeting22 nd - 24 th Nov 2007 Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand “Knowledge & Information Management” 5th Meeting6 th – 8 th Nov 2008 Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam “ Library Services of the AUNILO: Towards Integration” TRACK RECORD | The Meetings

MEETINGDATEHOSTTHEME 6th Meeting8 th – 10 th April 2010 Universitas Indonesia Library, Indonesia “Building Portals, Bridging Nations” 7th Meeting17 th – 19 th Feb 2011 University of Philippines, Philippines “AUNILO Consortium of Institutional Repositories ” 8th Meeting1 st – 2 nd June 2012 National University of Singapore, Singapore “ Enhancing Information Discovery through Mobile Technologies” 9th Meeting10 th – 12 th June 2013 Universiti of Malaya Library, Malaysia “Engaging users: Initiatives for a changing era” 10th Meeting2 nd – 4 th April 2014 Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia “Professional Development: Towards Competent Librarians ”

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus The AUNILO Members Training/Attachment Programme Database: It was set up in September 2004 in the AUNILO Portal / 2004 University of the Philippines (Diliman), Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Vietnam National University Hanoi and Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh. No Action AUNILO shared electronic subscriptions: The report on the Feasibility Study on Cross-Border Database Subscriptions among AUNILO Members which was prepared by Universiti Malaya was presented at the 3rd Meeting of the AUNILO Working Committee / 2006 Universiti MalayaCompleted SUCCESS STORIES | Initiatives

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus ICT and digital resources: National University of Singapore was given the responsibility to develop a listing of common and special ICT features of the AUNILO member institutions / 2006 National University of Singapore Completed AUNILO Quality Assurance Initiatives: 2nd Meeting of the AUNILO Working Committee, AUNILO member Libraries are committed to pursuing QA initiatives and will take into consideration the AUN-QA Guidelines / 2005 AUNILO MembersNo Action SUCCESS STORIES | Initiatives

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus Proceedings: To date nine (9) proceedings has been published from the outcome of all the AUNILO Meetings. These proceedings have been distributed to the AUNILO participants. The proceedings will also be accessible on the AUNILO Portal / 2014 AUNILO SecretariatCompleted SUCCESS STORIES | Initiatives

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus Development of a glossary of terms in library and information science in English. Member institutions were asked to translate library and information science terms in their own language to English / 2004 University of PhilippinesOn going 3 days Institutional Repository Workshop using D-Space / 2009 Universiti of MalayaCompleted AUNILO Workshop on Library Best Practices : Leadership in Strategic Deployment for User- Driven Libraries / 2010 University of Brunei DarussalamCompleted SUCCESS STORIES | Initiatives

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus To enhance the existing of the AUNILO portal and share USD100 per institution per year / 2010 AUNILO SecretariatOn going Pathfinders on Peranakan collection to be uploaded in AUNILO portal. Lanna collection of Chiang Mai University also linked into the portal to enhance its content. / Universiti Sains MalaysiaCompleted Previous meeting minutes, reports, photos, etc. to be gathered and uploaded into the portal to further enhance its contents. Universiti of MalayaOn going SUCCESS STORIES | Initiatives

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus All member institutions agreed to continue to enhance and update their Institutional Repositories (IRs) which are also linked in the AUNILO portal. AUNILO Member UniversitiesOn going RSS feed created in the portal. Login id and password of the portal was given to each member libraries to make it easy for them to post any relevant updates to enhance the portal content. Universiti MalayaOn going Option whether discovery service for central repositories or a server for harvester to be developed will be reviewed and a proposal will be drafted. Universiti of Malaya/Universiti Utara Malaysia/ National University of Singapore/ AUNILO Secretariat In Progress SUCCESS STORIES | Initiatives

ProgramsCoordinatorStatus Training for AUNILO members. Capacity Building of AUNILO Member Librarians on Research and IT Competencies: A Training Proposal University of Philippines / Universiti of Malaya / Universiti Sains Malaysia In Progress To establish a Resource Sharing Network Among AUNILO Member Institutions Universiti of Brunei Darussalam In Progress

LESSON LEARNED | Request of Action Areas of Collaboration Suggestion was made at the Preliminary Fourth Meeting of the AUNILO Committee on 8 Mei 2007 that there should be activities among member countries in between Meeting of the AUNILO Committee in the form of workshops, seminars, internship programs and other training oriented activities Proposal of Training Needs and Expertise Further sharing of human resources and expertise was suggested. Resource sharing of collections in various formats, sharing of facilities and ICT based services was also proposed. Training in the form of attachments and gift and exchange program among member countries was also mentioned The proposal on training needs was prepared by University of Philippines Financial Support The AUN Secretariat agreed to assist in finding the financial support/sponsorship for confirmed activities. A proposal is yet to be drafted.

LESSON LEARNED | Request of Action AUNILO STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETING:  A platform to discuss the future of AUNILO, to develop a blue-print plan of action to come out with programs and projects that would enhance the relevance and visibility of AUNILO.  The blue-print would be essential in assisting AUNILO to secure funding from contributors.

track records/ success stories/ lesson learned by AUNILO Identification of: 1. Users and stakeholders' feedback 2. National Policies, AUN Possible Scenarios/ Future collab. 4. Trends in Library Good examples. 6. Current resources and capacity of AUNILO Formulation of AUNILO Strategic Action Plan Key Inputs to the Strategy Formulation of AUNILO