Jinna Yan Nanyang Technological University Singapore LOW POWER MILLIMETER WAVE ACTIVE SIGE SUB-HARMONIC UP-CONVERSION MIXER WITH ULTRA LOW DRIVING POWER Jinna Yan Nanyang Technological University Singapore 1
Agenda Introduction System Architecture Literature Review Design of Up-conversion Mixer -- Schematic -- Layout -- Post-layout simulation results Conclusion
Introduction Why 60GHz? Unprecedented amount of spectrum -- Spectral efficiency not a dominant constraint -- 2GHz bandwidth per channel License free -- Few regulatory specifications Small wavelength -- Multi-antenna ideal for small form factor devices
Introduction-cont.. Targeted Application: System requirements: -- Wireless personal area networks -- Short range <10m -- High data rate >2Gbps System requirements: -- Highly integrated, low cost -- Small in size -- Low power
System Architecture Sub-harmonic up conversion using sliding IF topology LO operating at a relatively lower frequency, alleviates the design for synthesizer IF signals has a bandwidth greater than 10GHz centered at 12GHz LO signal bandwidth of 3.5GHz at 24GHz
Literature Review I: Topology: -- Fully differential sub- harmonic core mixer -- Three transistor architecture Ref: A Frequency Tripler Using a Subharmonic Mixer and Fundamental Cancellation
Literature Review II: Topology: -- Double balanced Gilbert mixer -- mHEMT FET technology -- Chip area 3mm X 3mm Ref: 60 GHz MMIC double balanced Gilbert mixer in mHEMT technology with integrated RF, LO, and IF baluns
Schematic of Designed Up-conversion Mixer
Features of Designed Up-conversion Mixer RF output signal has a bandwidth of 11GHz Use of two transistor topology to reduce voltage supply requirement Pesudo-differential LO core Designed CPW transmission lines load
Schematic of Common Emitter Buffer
Layout of Up-conversion Mixer Core & Buffer Process: -- Jazz Semiconductor -- 0.18µm SiGe BiCMOS -- High ft of 200GHz Chip size: -- 0.88mm X 0.78mm (inc. pads)
Sparameters @ IF and LO Ports
Conversion Gain vs. LO Power
Gain Flatness vs. RF Output Frequency
Voltage Conversion Gain vs. IF Input Signal Power
Output Frequency Spectrum
Overall Specification Power consumption (Mixer Core): 1.7mA @ 1.8V Max. Gain: -0.1dB RF output 3dB gain flatness: 59GHz ~ 70GHz Input referred P1dB: -12.3dBm LO power drive requirements: -14dBm Spur suppression: >20dBc
Conclusion A low power active sub-harmonic mixer has been designed for the 60GHz SOC It provides a elegant solution to upconvert low frequency signals without a high frequency VCO Features achieved include high bandwidth, high linearity and low LO drive power levels
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