Trinity College London provides respected international qualifications across a range of disciplines in the performing and creative arts, and in English language learning and teaching. Trinity has been conducting exams since 1877, and our assessments are now taken in over 60 countries each year.
What is Trinity An examination of Trinity is an oral test to evaluate your ability to talk about what you learned, forcing the candidate to streng then the areas of writing, reading, oral and aural, depending on the level at which they present. Interviews with examiners are specifically trained and qualified, where the candidate must demonstrate the ability to communicate face to face in English using English all required at their level. All examinations conform to international standards. Trinity exams are a quality they provide, both teachers and students, information about the evolution of the student learning process. There are twelve degrees of Trinity, covering the range from beginner to expert, which can be grouped into four levels: Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced.
Trinity’s Integrated Skills in English (ISE) examinations assess all four language skills — reading, writing, speaking and listening — interacting with each other as they do in the real world. An ISE examination forms a natural part of any course of English study, undertaken in a group or individually. The examinations include a portfolio approach. By assessing classroom work as well as tasks carried out under examination conditions, a wide and varied sample of learner work is taken into account. ISE has been designed for all English language learners, young or adult, who wish to record their achievements in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
The fifteen tasks are divided into three sections of five tasks each:
Results summary slips Each ISE candidate receives a Results summary slip via their centre confirming the provisional results of the Interview component and giving details of the overall marks achieved in the Portfolio and the Controlled Written examination components. These are sent with the certificates. To be awarded an overall pass grade, candidates must achieve a pass grade in both: i) the Controlled Written examination and Portfolio ii) the Interview. There are three levels of pass as follows: w Pass with Distinction w Pass with Merit w Pass.