An SDN-based approach for OmniRAN Reference Point mapping Date: [ ] Authors: NameAffiliationPhone Antonio de la Juan Carlos Charles Notice: This document does not represent the agreed view of the OmniRAN EC SG. It represents only the views of the participants listed in the ‘Authors:’ field above. It is offered as a basis for discussion. It is not binding on the contributor, who reserve the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Copyright policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Copyright Policy. Patent policy: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE-SA Patent Policy and Procedures: and. Abstract This presentation extends SDN use case with the mapping to OMNIRAN Reference Points and derived requirements
An SDN-based approach for OmniRAN Reference Point Mapping OmniRAN use case contribution
Heterogeneous Networking w/ OmniRAN
sdf Terminal Access Core Op B Internet Access Access Infrastructure Operators Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Reference Model for OMNIRAN over SDN
sdf Access Access Infrastructure Operators Reference Model (Access Infrastructure operator with data and control split) Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller Data path Control path Access Access Abstraction
Reference Points R1: Terminal Access point: technology specific R2: Terminal Core Network (connectivity services network) User & terminal authentication, subscription & terminal management R3: Access Network Core network Authorization, service management, user data connection, mobility support, accounting, location R4: Access Network Access network Inter-access network coordination and cooperation, fast inter- technology handover R5: Core Network Core network Inter-operator roaming plus access infrastructure sharing.
Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R1 R1: Access link SDN-based configuration/interaction between infrastructure and wireless link Access Abstraction R1
Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R2 R2: Control path only Access Abstraction
Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R3 R3: Data (e.g., mobility) and Control (e.g., configuration) path Access Abstraction
Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R4 R4: Data (e.g., fast handover) and Control (e.g., ICI) path Access Abstraction R4 Access Abstraction
sdf Core Op B Internet Core Op ACore Op C Traditional Operators Terminal R5 Access Access Infrastructure Operators BackhaulSDN Controller R5: Data path: Roaming between operators Control path: Roaming between operator + infrastructure sharing
Reference Points over SDN R1: Access link SDN-based configuration/interaction between infrastructure and wireless link R2: User & terminal authentication, subscription & terminal management This reference point can be implemented as a control path from the access network to the corresponding operator R3: Authorization, service management, user data connection, mobility support, accounting, location The SDN controller can configure the underlying network for user authorization (e.g. adding MAC to APs), managing mobility (e.g. reconfiguring forwarding path per user), accounting (e.g. counters per forwarding table) Possible extension of SDN concepts for configuration of heterogeneous access network. R4: Inter-access network coordination and cooperation, fast inter- technology handover SDN based forwarding state between different RANs R5: Inter-operator roaming control interface Inter-operator roaming plus access infrastructure sharing outside access network