Hellenistic Architecture in Pergamon, Greece


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Presentation transcript:

Hellenistic Architecture in Pergamon, Greece HOW DO BUILDINGS AND ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMS EXPRESS THE VALUES (values can be cultural, social or religious) AND POLITICAL AGENDAS OF THEIR PATRONS?

THE PERGAMON ACROPOLIS Acropolis of a large and wealthy city with a diverse, non-Greek population Included palaces, temples, gymnasiums and markets City became known as a 2nd Athens At the very top was the palace of the Pergamon king Monarchy towers above all else Pomp and display of the Hellenistic city was a departure from austere Athenian acropolis Monuments erected to honor the kings and glorify not the city but individuals

DYING GAUL What are the facts? (F) Artist: Epigonos Patron: King Attalus I Date: 200 BCE Period/Style: Hellenistic Greece Size: 3’ ½” Location / findspot: Pergamon Acropolis SUBJECT MATTER War with the Gauls MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES Original Bronze Marble Copy exists

CA: WHY WAS IT CREATED PHYSICAL LOCATION Pergamon Acropolis: Courtyard below royal palace 2. PATRON King Attalus 4. HISTORICAL EVENTS Victory over the nomadic Gauls – a constant threat to Greece. 5. Big Ideas: Drama, Individualism, Focus on the human experience and pain of the individual FUNCTION: Victory caused the King to beautify the city. Statues are a commemoration. The Gaul’s strength in death makes the victory over them more impressive

How is the subject matter visually represented? How is the meaning/function visually conveyed (FA) The Gaul’s strength in death makes the victory over them more impressive Mortally wounded, struggling against death Eyes fixed on the ground, looking at his sword and trumpet (used to sound call for relief) Support himself weakly with one arm Gaping wound on one side Anguished expression on his face Rough musculature of body marks his barbarism Detail is individualistic and realistic While the citizens would rejoice at his defeat they were meant to also sympathize with him and thus get involved in the drama

Altar of Zeus What are the facts? (F) Artist: NA Patron: King Eumenes II Date: 200 BCE Period/Style: Hellenistic Greece Size: 3’ ½” Location / findspot: Pergamon Acropolis SUBJECT MATTER Altar of worship for Zeus, commemorating the Hellenistic struggle against the barbarians. MATERIALS AND TECHNIQUES Marble (only copy exists)

CA: WHY WAS IT CREATED PHYSICAL LOCATION Pergamon Acropolis 2. PATRON King Eumenes II 4. HISTORICAL EVENTS: DEPICTED IN THE FRIEZE: Allegory for the war between Pergamens and the Gauls Continuing the tradition of celebrating Greeks’s struggles against, and victories over barbarians. Pergamons are the Gods, Gauls are the Giants 5. Big Ideas: Drama and the appeal to the emotions FUNCTION: Commemoration of triumph and Glory of the Hellenistic Monarchy

How is the subject matter visually represented? How is the meaning/function visually conveyed (FA) Temple Style: Traditional Greek temple turned upside down Rested on a podium or platform On either side of the step was a frieze 7 feet high 450 feet long At eye level with the viewer – sculptural adornment is more important than the architecture = interest in drama Frieze is framed by a molding below and a dentil range above Ionic colonnade on the building façade has not structural purpose Wider space between columns allowed viewer to look into interior courtyard where the alter to Zeus was housed

How is the subject matter visually represented? How is the meaning/function visually conveyed (FA) Frieze: Olympians vs. Giants Included inscription – could read an vies the frieze Struggles between forces of light and dark Bold high relief and great detail in texture and appearance of swords and and buckles Figures stand out so far they are nearly in the round and come at the viewer – they are superhuman Makes full use of the light and shadow created by the sculptures = Heightened tumultuous Drama Swirling struggle of bodies is continuous along the whole narrative Motion creates unity Separate scenes are linked together by coiling snakes – they lead the eye Poseidon and Athena copied from the Parthenon pediments ATHENA ATTACKING THE GIANTS ABOVE ZEUS HURLING THUNDERBOLTS ABOVE