1 Unpacking the Common Core Staff/Curriculum Development Network June 3, 2011 Gail Sobolewski Senior Mathematics Specialist Jack Costello Director of School Improvement and Professional Development
2 CCSS Curriculum Mapping Grades K-2 Mathematics
3 GOALS FOR THE PROJECT A common understanding of the Common Core State Standards and their implications for content and process Regional maps for grades K-2 Collaboration on teaching strategies and resources
Outline for Implementation Districts invited to send team of teachers (K, 1 st, 2 nd ) Five half days planned during the school year Two full days during the summer Fifteen districts responded sending a total of approximately 60 teachers and curriculum coordinators 4
Outcomes for First Half Day February 11 Common understanding of the CCSS Common understanding of the implications for teaching required by the eight practices Common understanding of what it takes to “Teach so Students Remember” 5
FEBRUARY 11, 2011 A G E N D A INTRODUCTIONS: Goal Setting NYS Timeline for implementation Article “Understanding the K-12 Common Core State Standard” COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS: How to read the CCSS Mathematical practices Layout of the curriculum Glossary and reference tables TRANSITION MATERIALS: NYS Standards to CCSS CCSS to NYS Standards REVISIT MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES – not just “what” we teach but “how” we teach it HOW TO TEACH SO STUDENTS REMEMBER PREPARATION FOR FUTURE WORK: Reread CCSS for your grade level in paragraph form Bring one activity, lesson, strategy, etc. to model the mathematical practice you have been assigned What are the common headings we want to use for our curriculum maps?
Outcomes for Second Half Day March 21 Share the readings for “How to Teach so Students Remember” Revisit the 8 Mathematical Practices Curriculum Mapping “Understanding by Design” Set up Google accounts Consensus on headings for common maps 9
10 March 21, 2011 A G E N D A Review work from 2/2 Goal Setting Today’s goals How to Teach So Students Remember: Groups prepare presentations Present Summary of the 7 R’s Common Core State Standards: Discuss the changes involved What questions do you still have? REVISIT MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES – not just “what” we teach but “how” we teach it Share the teaching ideas associated with the practice your district was assigned Curriculum maps: “Backward Design” as it relates to curriculum mapping – presentation by Jane King Look at sample maps What headings do we want to use? Look at the outline for your grade level PREPARATION FOR FUTURE WORK: Be prepared to begin writing maps on April 25
Outcomes for Third Half Day April 25 Review rationale for regional maps Review Mathematical Practices and how they need to be incorporated into the maps Understand the instructional shifts necessary for “Accessible Mathematics” Begin the writing process within grade levels 11
13 April 25, 2011 A G E N D A Introduce Irene “Sam” Jovell and update her on our progress Goals of the Project What have we accomplished Revisit the Mathematical Practices How do teachers make these happen? What teacher behaviors foster these practices? Curriculum Maps Common understand of the design and headings Models for grades K, 1 st, 2 nd as presented by Sam Curriculum writing Use google accounts to access maps Work within grade level to begin writing September and October maps Maps will be saved in the google accounts as a “view” only document Preparation for future work Read chapter assigned for “Accessible Mathematics” Gail & Sam schedule publishers for presentations at June meeting Next meeting Friday, May 27 Future meetings:Friday, June 17 Friday, July 8 Friday, August 19
Outcome for Fourth Half Day Concentrated time used to continue writing curriculum maps within grade level groups 14
Future of the Project June meeting to have presentation of materials and how they correlate to the CCSS July and August full days to be used to complete the writing of the maps Continue to share “best” practices through collaboration 15
Introduction Sessions Facilitated Regional Introduction Sessions to the CCSS K-5 ELA 6-12 ELA Literacies for History/SS, Science & Technical Subjects for 6-12 Facilitated District Sessions on the same 17
Different Formats By Grade Level By Anchor Standard 18
Curriculum Analysis 21
Power Standards Skills and Understandings Brainstorm Hand-Me-Down Selecting the PS Aligning the PS Unpacking the PS 22
Regional Mapping Consensus Maps K-2 ELA; 3-5 ELA; and 6-8 ELA ELA starting August 2011 with a full day; then 5 half-days from September to end of February Build Quarterly Assessments of PS – will send to SED for approval for 20% local APPR 24
Contact Information Jack Costello x 6871 Gail Sobolewski x