Coaching for Improved Performance The Zimmer Way
Performance Coaching Athletic Coaches Must Coach Constantly Athletic Coaches Must Coach Constantly Performance Coaching Focuses On Effective Job Behaviors and Activities Performance Coaching Focuses On Effective Job Behaviors and Activities Performance Coaching Is Positive and Emphasizes What People Are Doing Right Performance Coaching Is Positive and Emphasizes What People Are Doing Right
Purpose and Goals of Performance Coaching The Goals Of Performance Coaching: The Goals Of Performance Coaching: –To encourage people and teams –To show people and teams how to build on their strengths –To heighten people’s and teams’ self-esteem and self-confidence –To enhance cooperation, participation within and among departments –To stop and correct inappropriate behavior
Purpose of Performance coaching –To Build Trust Between Management and Team Members –To Reduce Fear and Increase Risk Taking and Innovation (Security Nurtures Creativity)
Purpose of Performance coaching –To Align Individual and Team Goals To Organizational Goals –To Get People To Realize That Their Self Interests and the Organization’s Interests Are Inextricably Bound Together –To Establish Consequences For Continued Inappropriate Behavior
Performance Coaching All Departments Should Conduct Performance Coaching All Departments Should Conduct Performance Coaching –Department managers for their departments (several managers if the department is large) –Higher management for department managers
The Multiple Roles Of Performance Coaching Developmental Developmental Evaluative Evaluative Defensive Defensive Indoctrinational Indoctrinational
Coaching Avoidance Most Managers Would Rather Avoid the Anger, Anxiety and Discomfort Involved. Most Managers Would Rather Avoid the Anger, Anxiety and Discomfort Involved. Timing Of Performance Coaching Sessions Should Be Based On Associate’s, Not Manager’s, Needs Timing Of Performance Coaching Sessions Should Be Based On Associate’s, Not Manager’s, Needs
Coaching Meetings Quarterly Departmental Goal-Setting and Strategy Sessions Quarterly Departmental Goal-Setting and Strategy Sessions Quarterly Individual Performance Coaching and Performance Agreement Sessions Quarterly Individual Performance Coaching and Performance Agreement Sessions –Frequent, daily if possible, feedback
Conducting Performance Coaching Sessions Managers Must Know Enough About a Job To Understand How It Should Be Done Managers Must Know Enough About a Job To Understand How It Should Be Done Managers Must Observe On-The-Job Behavior (It’s Like Watching Game Tapes) Managers Must Observe On-The-Job Behavior (It’s Like Watching Game Tapes)
Reactions To Coaching Sessions People Often React Defensively To What Are Perceived To Be Negative Comments People Often React Defensively To What Are Perceived To Be Negative Comments Don’t Use the Sandwich Approach Don’t Use the Sandwich Approach Criticism Causes People To Become Defensive: Criticism Causes People To Become Defensive: –Transfer blame to others (“not my fault”)
Many People Are Defensive –Ambivalent About Improvement Needs –See Coaching As a Threat To Self-Esteem (Especially Highly Ego-Centered Talent Or Creative People) Often people see it as a threat to independence Often people see it as a threat to independence Outright denial Outright denial
Games People Play –Most Common Rationalization Games: “Yeahbut” “Yeahbut” “I’ll try” “I’ll try” –Trying Doesn’t Cut It, Doing What You’re Supposed To Cuts It “That’s great, but what exactly are going to do to solve the problem. Tell me in steps 1, 2 and 3.” “That’s great, but what exactly are going to do to solve the problem. Tell me in steps 1, 2 and 3.”
Improvement Memos –If an Associate Exceeds Expectations, Write a Memo To Upper Management –If an Associate Is Not Meeting Standards, Have Him Or Her Write An Improvement Or Performance Agreement Outline
Performance Coaching don’ts Yearly Performance Evaluation Or Review Sessions: Yearly Performance Evaluation Or Review Sessions: –Once-a-year reviews at salary review times are worthless, counterproductive –Coaches who reviewed players once a year would be lose all their games and their jobs
Performance Coaching Do’s Quarterly Departmental Goal-Setting Sessions: Quarterly Departmental Goal-Setting Sessions: –Department’s mission, objectives, and strategies are narrowed down to key activities –Department discusses and jointly agrees on objectives, strategies, and activities –Participation in setting objectives leads to a department’s commitment
Performance Coaching Do’s Brief, Frequent (Daily If Possible) Feedback Sessions: Brief, Frequent (Daily If Possible) Feedback Sessions: –People need continual encouragement and reinforcement of the good things they do –Must be open and honest –“What can I do to help?”
How to provide Feedback Phrases To Use: Phrases To Use: –“I know you want to improve, and if it’s OK with you, I have a few suggestions.” –I know you like to do a good job. Here are some things for you to think about that might help you do it a little better.”
How to provide Feedback “Be Tough On Standards, Not On People” - Tom Peters “Be Tough On Standards, Not On People” - Tom Peters When Giving Feedback, Give Positive Feedback First, Then Discuss Opportunities for Improvement When Giving Feedback, Give Positive Feedback First, Then Discuss Opportunities for Improvement
Who Conducts Performance Coaching Sessions: All Managers, All Team Members All Managers, All Team Members Associates Need Feedback More Than Contact With Top Managers Associates Need Feedback More Than Contact With Top Managers They Need It Daily They Need It Daily
Unleash Associates’ Motivation To Improve: Management Hires, Coaches, and Communicates Values and Objectives Management Hires, Coaches, and Communicates Values and Objectives If There Is a Problems, It Is Usually Management’s If There Is a Problems, It Is Usually Management’s –“There are no bad soldiers, only bad generals” - Napoleon
Establishing Consequences Consequences Laid Out In Advance. If People Do A, B Will Happen. It’s Their Choice. Consequences Laid Out In Advance. If People Do A, B Will Happen. It’s Their Choice. Coaching Is Encouragement, Support – Yes; But It Doesn’t Work Unless There Are Meaningful Consequences Coaching Is Encouragement, Support – Yes; But It Doesn’t Work Unless There Are Meaningful Consequences –If you hold on to ineffective people too long, you’re being unfair to your organization and, more importantly, to effective performers
Discipline Without Punishment Performance Problems Can Be Divided Into Three Categories: Performance Problems Can Be Divided Into Three Categories: –Attendance –Performance –Conduct
Discipline Without Punishment Traditional Discipline Systems (Old School) Traditional Discipline Systems (Old School) –Step 1 - Verbal reprimand –Step 2 - Written warning –Step 3 - Suspension without pay/ probation/final warning –Step 4 -Termination
Discipline Without Punishment Discipline Without Punishment (New School) Discipline Without Punishment (New School) –Level 1 - Oral reminder –Level 2 - Written reminder –Level 3 - Decision-making leave (paid) –Level 4 - Termination
Discipline Without Punishment In Discipline Without Punishment, It’s Up To Associates To Change On Their Own In Discipline Without Punishment, It’s Up To Associates To Change On Their Own –There has been enough discussion, they know the consequences –Paid leave puts the onus on them –Managers should view DWP as a technique for saving people. Each step is an opportunity to correct a problem. –Dismissal is a failure
Be A Coach Who Watches Game Films Every Day and Gives Feedback One-On-One Every Day Who Watches Game Films Every Day and Gives Feedback One-On-One Every Day –Not once a year Who’s Motivation Is To Teach the Team How To Win Who’s Motivation Is To Teach the Team How To Win –Teach to win, not to avoid a loss –Without playing himself/herself