Read 180 Denise Smith Denise Smith CCMS Read 180 instructor
Thanks!!! Thanks for your support of the Read 180 program!!!! Thanks for your support of the Read 180 program!!!! The outcome for the school year was terrific. The outcome for the school year was terrific. It is so wonderful we were able to reach so many at-risk readers and have a large number of Read 180 program graduates. It is so wonderful we were able to reach so many at-risk readers and have a large number of Read 180 program graduates.
Read 180 mission To help at-risk/struggling readers develop the basic skills necessary for them to become an on-grade level reader. To help at-risk/struggling readers develop the basic skills necessary for them to become an on-grade level reader. To transform the mind-frame of at-risk learners so they can begin realizing their future has possibilities. To transform the mind-frame of at-risk learners so they can begin realizing their future has possibilities.
Read 180 Motto “I’M GONNA MAKE LEMONADE TODAY” “I’M GONNA MAKE LEMONADE TODAY” I work very hard with my readers to develop a positive attitude, perseverance, ability to get along with others and compassion. Character education is a huge element of the Read 180 classroom. I work very hard with my readers to develop a positive attitude, perseverance, ability to get along with others and compassion. Character education is a huge element of the Read 180 classroom.
Read 180 Classroom ONLY 15 students per grade level class allowed for a total of 45 students in the Read 180 program. ONLY 15 students per grade level class allowed for a total of 45 students in the Read 180 program. Extremely structured learning environment with an intense reading curriculum with prescribed reading strategies. Extremely structured learning environment with an intense reading curriculum with prescribed reading strategies. It is a research-based reading intervention program that DOES work to help at-risk readers become on-grade level readers. It is a research-based reading intervention program that DOES work to help at-risk readers become on-grade level readers. All instruction on the computer is tracked daily. If a student does not work for a full 20 minutes daily it is red flagged. All instruction on the computer is tracked daily. If a student does not work for a full 20 minutes daily it is red flagged. Read 180 is a reading program to help students struggling with reading comprehension and basic reading skills. Read 180 is a reading program to help students struggling with reading comprehension and basic reading skills.
Read 180 instruction Divided into 4 parts--- Divided into 4 parts--- Computer time Computer time Individual/partner reading Individual/partner reading Small group work that is teacher directed Small group work that is teacher directed Building background knowledge/wrap-up/share out of learning Building background knowledge/wrap-up/share out of learning
Read 180 Rotations Each rotation is 20 minutes in length. Each rotation is 20 minutes in length. Each rotation is individualized according to the student’s ability and reading skills set. Each rotation is individualized according to the student’s ability and reading skills set. Each rotation is tracked daily and a vital element of the student’s academic development. Each rotation is tracked daily and a vital element of the student’s academic development. Students travel in groups of 5 students through each rotation. Students travel in groups of 5 students through each rotation. Rotation groups are constantly changing as a result of the tracked data for each student. Rotation groups are constantly changing as a result of the tracked data for each student.
How students are selected Testing scores: Testing scores: State testing, Think Link, classroom mastery scores State testing, Think Link, classroom mastery scores Teacher recommendations Teacher recommendations History of in-school interventions being used with this child throughout their school career. History of in-school interventions being used with this child throughout their school career. Study Island data Study Island data
How students are selected (cont) I administer the SRI ( Scholastic Reading Inventory) testing for each child. If the child’s SRI testing score indicates they are below grade level then the child qualifies for Read 180. Read 180 students take the SRI test 3 times during the school year. I administer the SRI ( Scholastic Reading Inventory) testing for each child. If the child’s SRI testing score indicates they are below grade level then the child qualifies for Read 180. Read 180 students take the SRI test 3 times during the school year. Additional program testing is done several times throughout the school year. Additional program testing is done several times throughout the school year.
Attendance Since Read 180 is a tier 3 intervention for our struggling readers it is vital each student is at class on time daily. We also know that for many of the Read 180 students school attendance is a major issue. Since Read 180 is a tier 3 intervention for our struggling readers it is vital each student is at class on time daily. We also know that for many of the Read 180 students school attendance is a major issue. Since Read 180 is an expensive program, the daily tracked documentation is turned into the administrative staff on a regular basis. If students show less than 20 minutes daily per rotation that is considered a red flag for that child. Since Read 180 is an expensive program, the daily tracked documentation is turned into the administrative staff on a regular basis. If students show less than 20 minutes daily per rotation that is considered a red flag for that child.
Attendance (cont.) When a student misses a rotation it can not be made up for that day and that puts them behind in the Read 180 instruction. Since they are already behind several years in their reading levels they can not afford to be further behind in reading instruction. For this reason, I make attendance a main focus in the Read 180 classroom. When a student misses a rotation it can not be made up for that day and that puts them behind in the Read 180 instruction. Since they are already behind several years in their reading levels they can not afford to be further behind in reading instruction. For this reason, I make attendance a main focus in the Read 180 classroom.
Read 180 celebrations As we all know, for at-risk students it is essential to celebrate their success at school. As we all know, for at-risk students it is essential to celebrate their success at school. Throughout the school year I will send out s to various teachers to help celebrate student success. When you get a positive praise about a student you teach, please praise that Read 180 child too. Receiving original praise is so important to jump starting their “I CAN” thinking. Throughout the school year I will send out s to various teachers to help celebrate student success. When you get a positive praise about a student you teach, please praise that Read 180 child too. Receiving original praise is so important to jump starting their “I CAN” thinking. Feel free to share with me Read 180 student successes in your room and I will make certain to let them know I am proud of them and offer a prize out of the “reward box”. Feel free to share with me Read 180 student successes in your room and I will make certain to let them know I am proud of them and offer a prize out of the “reward box”.
Read 180 graduates Students that show an SRI test score of on-grade level Lexile and high scores on other assignments and tasks within the Read 180 classroom will be graduated from the Read 180 program. Students that show an SRI test score of on-grade level Lexile and high scores on other assignments and tasks within the Read 180 classroom will be graduated from the Read 180 program. If a student is graduated from the program, please understand they will still require additional support in the regular classroom until they are able to fully adjust to not being in Read 180 anymore. Even after graduating from the program the students might still remain reluctant to reading in front of peers and participating in open classroom discussions. If a student is graduated from the program, please understand they will still require additional support in the regular classroom until they are able to fully adjust to not being in Read 180 anymore. Even after graduating from the program the students might still remain reluctant to reading in front of peers and participating in open classroom discussions. Once a student graduates from Read 180 their enrollment spot is automatically filled with another at-risk reader. Once a student graduates from Read 180 their enrollment spot is automatically filled with another at-risk reader.