Coaching Case 10 Group 6 CCLM^2 Spring 2013 Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics (CCLM^2) Project University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2012–2013 This material was developed for the Leadership for the Common Core in Mathematics project through the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, Center for Mathematics and Science Education Research (CMSER). This material may be used by schools to support learning of teachers and staff provided appropriate attribution and acknowledgement of its source. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. This project was supported through a grant from the Wisconsin ESEA Title II Improving Teacher Quality Program.
Welcome! As you wait, please familiarize yourself with the content included in Cultivating a Math Coaching Practice Case #10 (pp. 103 – 107) (Evaluations Course #560102)
Case #10: Maintaining a Focus on Mathematics Struggling to Keep Math at the Center CCLM Group Presentation: Jane Maliszewski, Gregory Coleman, Jodi Brekke, Sherrie Griffin April 30, 2013
Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Learning Intentions/Success Criteria 3. “The First Moment” Coaching Scenario 4. Coaching Moves 5. “The Second Moment” Coaching Scenario 6. A Strategy for Keeping the Focus on Math 7. Let’s Review
Learning Intention & Success Criteria We are learning to analyze, identify and understand coaching moves and strategies used to maintain the focus on mathematics during math coaching. We will be successful when we can apply coaching moves and strategies to plan a coaching session/meeting with math as the focus.
Planning a “Successful” Meeting?! LU
Reflecting on Our Own Experiences Reflect on a time when you were part of a group and the focus of the meeting was derailed. What may have been some reasons why the meeting did not stay focused? Jot some notes about this experience on an index card and put it aside. We will return to this later.
“The First Moment” At your table, discuss the First Moment coaching scenario in Case #10 that you read. Guiding Questions: How could Ivy have addressed Maria’s decision about instruction while still maintaining the focus on math? What coaching moves might have been helpful to create this outcome? Be prepared to share your ideas with the whole group.
Coaching Moves Pausing Paraphrasing Inquiring Probing Extending Thinking
“The Second Moment” In this scenario, the coach felt that she was more successful at keeping the focus on mathematics. What occurred during this meeting that helped her feel more successful? Turn and talk with a neighbor.
A Strategy for Keeping a Focus on the Math Using a protocol for examining student work.
Steps to Follow 1. Read the standard(s) being assessed 2. Everyone completes the prompt 3. Discuss the expectations and possible misconceptions 4. Study the work samples 5. Record student successes and challenges 6. Decide on next steps.
Read the standard 3.NF.1: Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram. a. Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line. b. Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line.
Complete the Math Prompt
Looking at the Student Work Look at the student work samples What do you see? What are the successes and challenges? What are your next steps?
Let’s Review Go back to the index card that you completed at the beginning of the session. How might some of the strategies or coaching moves that we discussed today have improved the meeting in your situation?
Learning Intention & Success Criteria We are learning to analyze, identify and understand coaching moves and strategies used to maintain the focus on mathematics during math coaching. We will be successful when we can apply coaching moves and strategies to plan a coaching session/meeting with math as the focus.
Resources Cultivating a Math Coaching Practice book Mentoring Matters book “Protocol for Analyzing Student Work” adapted from the MMP protocol Constructed Response Class Summary Report adapted from the MMP CABS Class Summary Report
Thank you! Thank you for your hard work today. We appreciate your focus and attention! Any questions? Please contact us: Jodi Brekke: Gregory Coleman: Sherrie Griffin: Jane Maliszewski: