Arbitration in Transport Disputes in Poland 3rd DIS Batic Arbitration Days, Riga 20141
Arbitration in historical perspective in Poland Arbitration is one of the oldest institution of the European judicature Origins of arbitration in Poland may be found in the Polish Republic of Nobels in XVI century The first one was the Arbitration Court at the Cotton Association estabished in Gdynia in
Arbitration in Poland after Second World War was initiated by forming of the Arbitration College at Polish Chamber of Foregin Trade (PCFT) in Warsaw on in 1950 in Gdynia was created the Maritime Department of the PCFT Office in 1953 The Council of Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade decided to form Arbitrators College for maritime cases for the settlement of disputes arising from : sea transport contracts, time chartering and bill of ladings contract of the services in sea transport general average, sea ships collision, or collision between sea ship and inland ship 3
The provisions relating to arbitration courts in Poland can be found in Part V of Polish Act of 17 November Code of Civil Procedure (Dz. U. of, no. 43, item 296- consolidated text from ) and consists of the Chapters: General Provisions Art to 1160 Arbitration Agreement Art to 1168 Composition of the arbitral tribunal Art to 1179 Jurisdiction of th arbitral tribunal Art to 1182 Conduct of arbitral proceedings Art to 1193 Making of Award and Termination of Proceedings Art to 1204 Aplication to set aside the award Art to 1211 Recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award and a settlement reached before it Art to
Arbitration courts in transport disputes in Poland International Court of Arbitration (the ICA) in Gdynia at the Polish Chamber of Maritime Commerce (PCMC)- resolving civil law disputes arising out of foreign trade, maritmie commerce transport and shipping is competent if in a valid written submission to arbitration the parties have submited to its decision the disputes which have arisen, or may arise between themselves in connection with a contractual, or non contractual legal relationship Arbitration Court at the Polish International Freight Forwarders Association (PIFFA)- Arbitration Court at the Gdynia Cotton Association
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