GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 1 Cross-GEO Coordination Report of C4 Meeting and follow-up discussion Ivan Petiteville, CEOS GEO ADC Co-Chairs Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 2 Introduction Location & date: – GEO SEC (Geneva), on 13 April 2007 following Task Force 2 (TF2) meeting Participants: –GEO Secretariat: Director ( J.Achache) and whole staff –GEO Committees Co-Chairs: ADC: Ivan DeLoatch (USA), Alessandro Annoni (EC), Ivan Petiteville (CEOS), Brian O’Donnell (representing Don Hinsman WMO) CBC: Jose Marcos (Spain) STC: Udo Gärtner (Germany) (also GEO Executive Committee) UIC: Gary Foley (USA)
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 3 Meeting Agenda Preparation of Ministerial – Task Force 2 GEO WP and related Task Sheets
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 4 Preparation of Ministerial Task Force 2 Report
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 5 Preparation of Ministerial All C4 participants attended also the TF 2 meeting (April 11-12) Committees Co-Chairs responsible for generating the section 3 (“Achievements” ) of TF 2 report.
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 6 Section 3 & Annex Content Description of the major past and current achievements of GEO. –Main achievements accomplished until mid-September 2007 may be reported. Section 3 complemented by an Annex. Annex will provide detailed information on GEO activities for which significant progress have been accomplished. Templates to be filled
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 7 GEO Main Achievements NbMain AchievementsCo-Chair 1Mechanism to generate synergy between systems (e.g. Virtual Constellations, GEONETcast) I.Petiteville 2Forum for cross cutting development in terms of interdisciplinary and community building I.DeLoatch 3Framework for sustainabilityU.Gärtner 4Mechanism for improving data access (incl. Data Sharing principles) A.Annoni 5Mechanism for improving data and systems useG.Foley 6Improvement of User EngagementG.Foley 7Forum for national / regional GEO activitiesB.O’Donnell 8Platform for Capacity BuildingJ.Marcos
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 8 Examples of Activities (1/2) Presented by GEO SEC during the TF 2 meeting (see ): –GEO Web Portal –Interoperable information systems –GEONETCast –CBERS data for Africa and the Caribbean –Virtual Constellations –Global Digital Elevation Model (DEM) –Global Wild land Fire Early Warning System –Meningitis Warning System in Africa –Solar energy for developing countries –Beijing Olympics –TIGGE –GEO Biodiversity Monitoring Network
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 9 Examples of Activities (2/2) Presented by some TF 2 participants: –Global Geodetic Observing System GGOS –Global Climate Observing Systems GCOS –Sentinel Asia –GEOGrid –Asian Water Cycle –ARGO Array –Seamless Weather and Climate prediction –Common (standard) public warning system/protocol for all hazards –Census of Marine Life –African Observatory –IGOS-P Geo Hazards –Air Quality and Health
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 10 TF 2 Report - Schedule
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 11 GEO WP and Task Sheets
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 12 GEO WP and Task Sheets Updates GEO Work Plan updated –version 4, dated March 30, 2007 –Download WP at: Several detailed Task Sheets have been updated by the GEO SEC. –Download all Tasks Sheets at:
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 13 Assignment of GEO Tasks to Committees The C4 examined the list of open issues related to the assignment of GEO Tasks to Committees All open issues have been resolved & agreed: –The supervision of some tasks have been transferred from one Committee to another one (see slide #14) –For some tasks, close explicit coordination and cooperation between Committees has been proposed (see slide #15)
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 14 Task transfer between Committees IdTitleGEO-IIINow BI-07-01Biodiversity Observation NetworkSTCUIC CL-06-06Global Ocean Observing SystemUICADC DI-06-04Implementation of a Tsunami early Warning system ADCUIC EN-07-02Energy Environmental impact monitoring UICSTC
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 15 Explicit Coordination at Task Level Coordination between committees identified explicitly for several tasks ( GEO WP ): 1.Tasks supervised at start by one Committee and later by another Committee 2.Committee’s representatives involved in Task Teams supervised by another Committee 3.Task supervised by two Committees together
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 16 List of “Co-Supervised” Tasks 1.Tasks supervised at start by one Committee and later by another one –DA “Data, Metadata and Products Harmonisation”: First by UIC then ADC 2.Committee’s representatives involved in Task Teams supervised by another Committee –DA “Virtual Constellations” and DA “Sensor Web Enablement” by ADC with strong involvement of UIC in Task Teams + potential support at UIC level 3.Task supervised by two Committees together –Jointly supervised by UIC and STC: –HE-07-02, the Environment and Health Monitoring and Modelling –WA-07-01, the Global Water Quality Monitoring –WA-07-02, the Satellite Water Quantity Measurements and Integration with In-situ Data
GEO ADC Co-Chair meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 13 May 2007 Slide # 17 Implicit Coordination at Task Level Several tasks supervised by one Committee could benefit from inputs generated by other Committees or be of interest to other Committees. Examples: –“GEO Web Portal” (AR-07-02) needs inputs from UIC as developed to serve Users –Presentation of the GEOSS Core Components ( Clearinghouse, Geo Web Portal, Registries ) to be used by the “non-ADC” Task Teams