教師專業地位与身份認同 : 比較 — 歷史的視域 陝西師範大學 2011 年 5 月 17 日講座 曾榮光
中國(大陸、香港、台灣)教學專業的政 策議論 : 問題的說明 zA quarter of a century quest for professionalism of schoolteachers in HKSAR ( …) zA decade-long effort of establishing National Educational Association in Taiwan under the stipulation of the Teacher Act (first passage in 1995) was established in zA decade-long discussion of professional status of schoolteachers in Mainland China (1993-…)
Quest for professionalism of Schoolteachers in HKSAR
Teacher Act in Taiwan
Teacher Act 1993 in Mainland China
Professionalization: An Empirical Problem in Search of Perspectives zThe first generation of studies of the profession: The trait model in functionalist perspective zThe second generation of studies of the profession: The power model in political perspective zThe third generation of studies of the professionalism: The comparative-historical approach in the perspective of new institutionalism
The Foundation of New Institutionalism in the Studies of Professionalization zPeter Berger and Thomas Luckmann's perspective of phenomenological sociology yBerger and Luckmann (1967) The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge yThe dualism of the objectivity and subjectivity of social reality yThe dialectic of moments of externalization, objectivation, and internalization yTeachers' professionalism as status and/or identity xTeachers' professionalism as externalized objective reality of occupational status and role xTeachers' professionalism as internalized subjective reality of occupational identity
zBerger and Luckmann's framework of institutionalization yInstitution as objective reality xConcept of reciprocal typification of habitualized actions xConcept of externalization xConcept of objectivation xConcept of role, role performance, role expectation and role set xConcept of legitimation Cognitive explanation Normative justification The Foundation of New Institutionalism in the Studies of Professionalization
zBerger and Luckmann's framework of institutionalization yInstitution as subjective reality xPrimary socialization xSecondary socialization xInternalization xIdentification The Foundation of New Institutionalism in the Studies of Professionalization
Cognitive explanation Normative justification
Act of teaching Duty of teaching Institution of teaching The role of teacher Socialization & education of teaching The identity of teacher The professional status of teacher Cognitive explanation Normative justification Knowledge & culture of teaching
Teachers' Professionalization in the Perspective of New Institutionalism zRe-conceptualization of professionalization With reference to the conceptual framework of new institutionalism, the process of professionalization can then be conceptualized into two inter-related process, namely yThe process of objectivation of professional role as institutional structure and organization. In this regard, professionalization can be conceptualized as the process through which the role performances expected of a particular occupational group are typified, externalized and objectivated in an institutional order.
Teachers' Professionalization in the Perspective of New Institutionalism zRe-conceptualization of professionalization yThe process of internalization of professional identity by incumbents of particular occupational groups. In this regard, professionalization can be conceptualized as the process through which the role expectations embedded in an occupation position is internalized as inherent component of one's 'self' (taken as one's own) by incumbents of an occupation.
Teachers' Professionalization in the Perspective of New Institutionalism zRe-conceptualization of professionalization yProfession can then be conceptualized as an occupation which can xinstitutionalized its knowledge bases: establishment of professional school in university xinstitutionalized its practical bases: dominance in the organization of the deliverance of professional service xinstitutionalized its supply: legalizing the licensing process of the profession xinstitutionalized its demand: exclusion of other occupations from providing comparable services
Teachers' Professionalization in the Perspective of New Institutionalism zRe-conceptualization of professionalization Profession University Clientele The State
Comparative-Historical Approach to the Institutionalization of Professional Status zTwo analytical strategies of comparative approach to professionalization yInter-state comparisons: Taken the contextuality and historicity of different nation-states as point of reference, differences and commonalities in the processes of professionalization of particular occupational groups can be then investigated across countries. As a result, Anglo- American model can no longer be taken as the universally applied model of professionalization but as one of the particular models among many. In recent years, studies of the professionalization models of France, German or even Eastern European countries have produced significant insights into the problem.
Comparative-Historical Approach to the Institutionalization of Professional Status zTwo analytical strategies of comparative approach to professionalization yInter-occupation comparison: Taken contextuality and historicity confronting different occupations as referent point, differences and commonalities in the processes of professionalization of a particular nation-state can be compare among occupations.
Comparative-Historical Approach to the Institutionalization of Professional Status Schoolteachers
Comparative-Historical Approach to the Institutionalization of Professional Status
完 陝西師範大學 教師專業地位与身份認同 : 比較 — 歷史的視域