Values and Ideology
Human Nature and Ideology Continuum GOOD Society is perfectible because people are basically good. High degree of freedom and equality are possible. Laws and government do not have to be repressive. Left to their own devices, people will live in harmony. POTENTIAL FOR GOOD Humans have potential for both good and bad. Society and the environment play a strong role in the development of human social relationships and societal interactions. Freedom and equality guaranteed by law. BAD People have strong tendency for bad behaviour because of our selfish, greedy, and violent nature, and a survival-of-the-fittest attitude. Authoritarian government, harsh laws, and fear are needed to keep people in line. Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Influences on Individual Values Influences on Societal Values Values are deeply held beliefs or convictions people hold about the nature of the world, their relationship to it, and the basic qualities of human beings. Values are our basic principles. Influences on Individual Values - Family - Peer Groups - Education - Mass Media - Religion - Workplace - Government - Social Groups - Professions - Aesthetics Influences on Societal Values -Historical Experiences -Culture, Traditions, Religion, and Language Geography Economic Development Social Structures Foreign Influences Individual Values (based on personal ideas, beliefs, and attitudes) Societal Values (based on what is considered important to satisfy people’s needs) CHOICES Both individuals and societies make choices about which values they believe are important! Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Values Values are the basis behind different ideologies. Groups develop norms and mores about what is good and right in their society. Groups also develop patterns of understanding that define how life and history should be interpreted and understood. Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Ideology Ideology consists of both conscious beliefs and unconscious patterns of thinking. Ideology is defined as a structure of beliefs and a pattern of thinking that motivates human social and political action. The political and economic system a society chooses is a direct reflection of the society’s ideologies and the values and beliefs that form them. Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Examples of Conflicting Values Individualism vs. Collectivism Freedom vs. Control Equality vs. Elitism Status Quo vs. Change Nationalism vs. Internationalism Minority vs. Majority Rights Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Ideology Chart Ideologies An Inquiry into Human Nature Ideologies possess sets of beliefs about human nature. Ideologies attempt to answer: - what are the basic characteristics of human beings? what is the purpose of life? How do human beings relate to each other and society? Meaning and Origin of Ideology A set of beliefs about human nature, society, and patterns of interaction between human beings Ideologies Other aspects of Ideologies Justification for Political and Economic Systems Ideologies can be distinguished by their: Language Symbols leadership Ideologies include certain beliefs about what out to be the nature and organization of political and economic systems. Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Individualism vs. Collectivism Emphasizes personal goals Emphasizes goals of society Individuals act on their own People act as part of a larger group Individuals are responsible for themselves The needs of the individuals are met by coordinating the resources of society Society benefits as individuals care for themselves Everyone benefits from a strong society Governments play a limited role in society Governments play an extensive role in society People are happiest when they accomplish things for themselves People require security and protection in order to make their lives better Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Political Spectrum 1. Based on who has the POWER People Elite Democracy Dictatorship Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
2. Based on people’s READINESS TO ACCEPT OR BRING ABOUT CHANGE Radical – dramatic change often involving violence Liberal – desire to reform based on an idea rationally arrived at Conservative – status quo; slow, cautious change based on experience and close study of the past reactionary – very skeptical of change; desire to return to former times Radical Liberal Conservative Reactionary Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
Vocabulary Builder Progressivism – is an umbrella term for ideologies that advocate moderate political and social reform through government action. Progressive ideologies generally support social justice and the rights of workers. Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
3. Based on degree of AUTHORITY FREEDOM CONTROL Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
4. Based on degree of CIVIL LIBERTIES More Liberalism Fewer Conservatism Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies
5. Based on degree of ECONOMIC LIBERTIES More Socialism Fewer Capitalism Chapter 1 – Thinking About Identity and Ideologies