Human Nature Matt Ridley Presented by: Sierra Lewis and Summer Durante
Human Nature “Why sex? Surely there are features of human nature other than this one overexposed and troublesome procreative pastime. True enough, but reproduction is the sole goal for which human beings are designed; everything else is a means to that end.” Do you agree with Ridley? Is reproduction the sole purpose for which Human beings are designed? Is this why you wear certain clothes, act a certain way, or even choose the career for which you study? Is there any way that you can understand human nature without understanding how human sexuality evolved?
Human Nature Do you believe that humans have a shared nature? Humans have been shaped by their genes to behave in ways that have allowed them to survive and thrive for millions of years. Do you think this is because of evolution?
Human Nature “Just as human nature is the same everywhere, so it is recognizably the same as it was in the past.” How has human nature changed and in what ways has it stayed the same? Why do you think change occurs over time? According to Ridley, Human beings thrive according to their ability to take the initiative and exercise individual talent. Do you think this is true? What have you done to exercise your talent?
Human Nature “Sex causes the differences between individuals but ensures that those differences never diverge far from a golden mean for the whole species.” What is Ridley referring to when he talks about the “golden mean?” What do you think is central to mankind? Why? Do you think humans have evolved or just have fed off of history, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and politics?
Works Cited Ridley, Matt. “Human Nature.” Human Experience 1: Who am I? Ed. Alice Burmeister and Kathy Lyon. 6 th ed. Littleton, MA: Tapestry, 2009