Global Fund Resource Mobilization Meeting February 2012, Amsterdam Global Fund Advocates Network
“It giet oan ………” It will begin ……………
…… Challenges, Hurdles, Royalty and Victory
Lessons to be learned “It giet oan” ……….. Our advocacy strategy is about making it work !!!!!
draft GFAN Advocacy Strategy Why? Advocacy Strategy = flexible Process: GFAN calls, WG, this meeting, presentation/consultation. For now discussion on: Goal and objectives What’s missing Global campaign, local implementation North & South Other elements will come back in the track- discussions and on Friday
Core elements - Goals GFAN’s goals are: Mobilizing broad support in civil society and among donor and implementing governments for the Global Fund; Advocating for resources to implement the Global Fund Strategy ; Supporting Global Fund advocates in the global North and South.
Objectives – short term Advocate for US$2 billion in 200 days + an Emergence Donor meeting Advocate for a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) Analyse the impact of cancellation of Round 11 and to promote full expression of unmet needs; Develop a campaign and campaign tools for short & longer term to mobilize resources for the Global Fund Strategy ; Mobilize civil society in North and South and support advocates; Develop a GFAN communication strategy and restore confidence; Build a global social movement - wind behind the sales
Objectives – mid & longer term Promote implementation of the Global Fund Strategy Develop and implement a global resource mobilization campaign to achieve a fully funded Global Fund (a successful 4th Replenishment process in 2013; Advocate for innovative financing opportunities, especially a FTT; Advocate for the establishment of a new, robust replenishment mechanism Further develop an active global social movement in support of the Global Fund. Advocate for increased engagement of the private sector and emerging economies. Supporting Global Fund advocates in the global North and South
Other Strategy components Messages and target audiences Campaign elements Building a social movement GFAN calls and (individual) donor strategies Advocacy and Campaign tools FTT and the 15%+ Campaign Here I Am campaign Media Group
For now: Focus on Goals & Objectives What’s missing? Global Campaign, local implementation Can it be done? What will make South<>North collaboration a success?
IT GIET OAN ……………..