Preparing national HES Manuals
What is the function of the national HES manual Documents the entire survey process Planning Field work Laboratory procedures Data management Quality control Reporting Includes also all forms, questionnaires, leaflets, letters, etc.
National HES Manuals Includes issues listed in the EHES Manual Part A: Planning and preparing Part B: Field work procedures Part A and B may be mixed in national manual Structure in the EHES Extranet site at Both in National language(s) English
Contents – Part A Survey planning, management and organization Target population and sample size Sampling procedures Legal, ethical and data confidentiality issues Selecting the measurements Timing of the surcey Selecting examination site(s) Questionnaire administration Selection of field work staff Blood samples and laboratory analyses Quality assurance Data management Recruitment of participants Dissemination and publicity Training programme Survey budget
Contents – Part B Organizing the field work Field work team Organizing the field work site Appointment scheduling for the participants Logistics of the materials and the field work team members Measurement process Instructions to the participants Motivating participants Obtaining informed consent Order of the measurements Checking questionnaires and interviewing Core measurements Protocol Data management Quality control
How uniform between countries? National legislation History, previous national HES Cultural adaptations Financial situations