1 Cross Border Intraday on the North Italian Borders Interim solution – Scheduling Forum Rome, 13 th March 2012
2 The nominations gate for using of the intraday capacity are the following: XBID1 : 15: :30 on D-1 XBID2 : 12: :35 on D France-Italian and Swiss-Italian borders Terna will be the single point of contact for the nominations of the intraday capacity. Nominations have to be done only to the scheduling system of Terna. Moreover, due to IT requirements on RTE side, an intraday IT transaction has to be asked by MPs, as stated in RTE Nomination Rules (so called Import/Export Rules). Austrian-Italian and Slovenian-Italian borders Nominations have to be done to both TSOs. Lower value rule will be applied in case of mismatch. XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Introduction
3 Terna will continue to use the same scheduling system (DAMAS) also for the nominations of the intraday capacity. The modalities to enter the nominations remain the same: Web form Client Application Web Service A new Contract Type will be introduced for the Intraday nominations: A07 Dedicated UPV/UCV will be used for the two sessions of Intraday: UPV_TSO I codSDCZ The Italian Congestion Management Rules will be updated after the approval of the Cross-border Intraday Capacity Auction Rules. XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling system of Terna
4 Market Party Entitled TERNAELES Nomination CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW PAs CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Matching Registration PAs Nomination CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Auctions CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Matched: 2 MW Nominated: 2 MW Nominated: 5 MW Programming Authorizations (PAs) XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders Exchange flows on Slovenian-Italian border Lower value rule applied in case of mismatch
5 Market Party Entitled TERNARTE Nomination CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW PAs CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Registration PAs CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Auctions CAI: X01 Capacity: 10 MW Nominated: 2 MW Programming Authorizations (PAs) XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders Exchange flows on France-Italian border Nominations
6 07:0011:00 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 07:00 Nomination Gate: Y/M PTR schedules 12:45 Nomination Gate Day Ahead schedules, Cut Off Time at 13:30 Until 12:45 Nominations to Terna: Daily PTRs with CAI Nominations to Swissgrid: Total netted, as today Until 07:00 Nominations to Terna and Swissgrid: Y/M/LTC PTRs with CAI as today 10:40 Receiving of Daily Programming Authorizations CH IT *Details can be found in New version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” of Swissgrid 15:00 Receiving of Intraday 1 Programming Authorizations CH IT 15:30 Nomination Gate and Cut Off Time: Intraday 1 schedules Until 15:30 Nominations to Terna: Intraday 1 PTRs with CAI No Nominations at Swissgrid* 15:45 Receiving of modified or imposed Time Series (with Intraday 1 Nominations made at Terna) from Swissgrid * 15:10 Results from MI 2 Market in IT XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling process on Swiss-Italian border - Day D-1
7 10:00 11:0012:00 13:00 10:25 – 10:40 Intraday 2 Auction CH-IT *Details can be found in New version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” of Swissgrid 11:40 Receiving of Intraday 2 Programming Authorizations CH IT 12:35 Nomination Gate and Cut Off Time: Intraday 2 schedules Until 12:35 Nominations to Terna: Intraday 2 PTRs with CAI No Nominations at Swissgrid* 12:50 Receiving of modified or imposed Time Series with Intraday 2 Nominations made at Terna from Swissgrid * 12:15 Results from MI 4 Market in IT XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling process on Swiss-Italian border - Day D
8 For using Intraday Capacity CH-IT, nominations at Swissgrid are not required The BG-R will get an modified or imposed Time Series on his day ahead A:A relationship Nominations in an Intermediate Confirmation Report (ICNF) from Swissgrid after receiving the intraday CAS from Terna. This modified or imposed Time Series has to be included in all further intraday schedule messages sending to Swissgrid for this specific day. New Version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” will be placed on Swissgrid Website in April 2012 This new version of the “Technical Balance Group Regulations” will come into force on the 30th of Mai 2012 at the expected go-live date of this ID CH-IT project XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling - Changes for Swiss Balancing Groups
9 APG and Terna are working together to change the matching process of the scheduling on their common border. The new matching process is based on the SO-SO approach defined by the UCTE (now ENTSO-E) and already in use in the Central-East Europe region. The intra-day mechanism on this border will start only after the implementation of the new matching process. The date of the go-live is expected by the end of Further information about the new matching process and the intraday mechanism will be provided in due time before the go-live. The SO-SO matching approach will be extended in a second step also on Slovenian-Italian border XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling on Austrian-Italian border
10 Thank you for your attention !! Questions and answers
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12 XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling – Example with modified Time Series, only A:A
13 XB ID Interim solution on the North Italian Borders - Scheduling Scheduling – Example with imposed Time Series, only A:A