Tonight’s Agenda 6:00-6:15—Officer Keisel ALICE overview 6:15-6:35—Student Scheduling 6:35-7:00—PARCC Testing
Student Scheduling Our goal this year is to have 15/16 schedules in students hands before they leave for the summer. Compass testing has to be done before student requests can be made. Fusion teachers will be guiding students through the scheduling process. Freshman Fusions will be helping students choose their pathway.
Student Scheduling Students will work with their Fusion teacher to fill out a pathway specific scheduling document.
PARCC Testing As a state recognized STEM school, we have the ability to apply for a PARCC waiver. I am interested in applying for this for eSTEM, but I need your help…
Reasons to Waive PARCC Credit Flex College Ready Benchmark Improve Student ACT Scores More Subject Areas Tested Spread Out The Testing Make Mastery Grading Possible Allow EOC To Be Final Exam
PARCC Waiver Please me your feedback so that I can compile it and share with the correct Without parent support for the waiver, we will continue to administer the PARCC test.