Lecture 15
Option - Gives the holder the right to buy or sell a security at a specified price during a specified period of time. Call Option - The right to buy a security at a specified price within a specified time. Put Option - The right to sell a security at a specified price within a specified time. Option Premium - The price paid for the option, above the price of the underlying security. Intrinsic Value - Diff between the strike price and the stock price Time Premium - Value of option above the intrinsic value Exercise Price - (Striking Price) The price at which you buy or sell the security. Expiration Date - The last date on which the option can be exercised.
Option ends by… 1. Expiration 2. Exercise 3. Sales American option European option Intrinsic Value = P – E Time Premium = O + E – P Moneyness ◦ In the money ◦ Out of the money ◦ At the money
Asset Price Profit Loss Option Review
Market Makers Round Trip Lot size is 100 shares Naked positions Covered positions CBOE Quotes (web) Open interest Volume Bid-ask Prices
Option Value Price (expiration) Time (days)
Example – Given an exercise price of $55, what are the likely call option premiums, given stock prices of 50, 56, and 60 dollars?
Intrinsic Value & Time Premium graphed Option Price Stock Price Days to Expiration
Swaptions Index options Futures options Currency options Convertible bond Warrant
Knock out options ◦ Down and out ◦ Up and out Knock in options ◦ Down and in ◦ Up and in
Executive Stock Options ◦ “To Expense or Not to Expense”