KHERSON OIL REFINING PLANT Reconstruction. Modernization. Development. KORP
KORP: important facts Willingness for creating modern oil refining complex: The investment plan of plant modernization based on existed installations and building of new ones based on world companies experience All needed design decisions, technical and economical features and another important documents were prepared and got Partners and licensors of reconstruction project: Leading world and Ukrainian companies : Axens, Purvin & Gertz Inc, joint stock company «Ukrnaftochimproekt», CB&I Lummus Global, UOP Limeted Honeywell, BNP Paribas, Rothschild, KORP
Developed infrastructure Three channels of oil supply to the plant An efficiency transport scheme of exportoil products Comfortable location The region with high capacity of oil usage, first of all diesel oil. The production of bio fuel There are high capacity of crops cultivation with downstream processing for production of bio fuel. KORP: advantages, potential KORP
KORP: modernization, reconstruction The modernization project include two stages І stageІІ stage Renewal New maintenance: isomerisation oil stock hydro fining first stage of sulfur production packaged unit of hydrogen generation New maintenance: hydrocracking hydrogen generation Second stage of sulfur production Oil refining efficiency 88 %92% Outcrop of oil products 60 %85% Quality EURO 5 Capacity 4,5 million tons per year Time limits 3 years+1 рік Investments thousand $ thousand $ (financing including operational profits, gotten from start of plant after I stage of modernisation) Payoff 7,8 years including reconstruction period Aim: -Rising of general efficiency of KORP; -Producing of high quality oil products Euro-5; -Decrease of black strap production; -Improvement of ecological characteristics of the manufacture. KORP
Why does KORP need modernization? The realization of state program «Energetic strategy of Ukraine till 2030» Supporting of 22% of all needs of Ukraine in high quality oil products : Energy security of Ukraine: 75% of materials and works will be provided by Ukrainian companies The growth of economic activity in the region and in Ukraine Noticeable refilling of state and local budgets for more than 4 milliard UAH per year of excise taxes and another taxes Creating of new work positions: - there are 1500 workers will work at the plant -contract award on project execution will encourage for creating working positions in Ukrainian companies Social advantages: Ecology : Production of ecologically clean high quality oil products will reduce the influence on human health and environment The production of bio fuel KORP
KHERSON OIL REFINERY Thank you for attention!