Dialogue One Type of HookOne Type of Hook. What is Dialogue? Dialogue occurs when characters talk to each other. Dialogue occurs when characters talk.


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Presentation transcript:

Dialogue One Type of HookOne Type of Hook

What is Dialogue? Dialogue occurs when characters talk to each other. Dialogue occurs when characters talk to each other. Using dialogue as a hook is effective because it makes the reader feel like he or she is entering into a conversation. Using dialogue as a hook is effective because it makes the reader feel like he or she is entering into a conversation. Dialogue works well in a first person essay since one of the characters can easily be the writer. However, it can also be effective in a third person essay. Dialogue works well in a first person essay since one of the characters can easily be the writer. However, it can also be effective in a third person essay. When using dialogue, punctuation is extremely important. The exact words spoken by characters must be enclosed within quotations. Separating the non-spoken and spoken parts typically is a comma. End punctuation is usually enclosed within the quotations. The first word of any quotation is always capitalized. Finally, each new speaker must begin with a new, indented paragraph. When using dialogue, punctuation is extremely important. The exact words spoken by characters must be enclosed within quotations. Separating the non-spoken and spoken parts typically is a comma. End punctuation is usually enclosed within the quotations. The first word of any quotation is always capitalized. Finally, each new speaker must begin with a new, indented paragraph.

A Sample “Why are you carrying home your algebra book?” asked my friend Marla. “I need to practice. Algebra is my toughest subject,” I replied.“I need to practice. Algebra is my toughest subject,” I replied. “I think it’s so easy. Plus, Mr. George is an awesome teacher. He explains things so well!” “No way. I can’t understand anything he says. I take my book home so my dad can try to teach me this stuff. I still am barely passing.” Algebra is my worst subject. I just don’t understand it at all. Math has always been my worst subject. The three concepts most confusing to me in math are algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Black – Hook Brown – Background White – Thesis/Essay Map Black – Hook Brown – Background White – Thesis/Essay Map

Another Sample “Are you sure you want to do this?” asked Christa’s father.“Are you sure you want to do this?” asked Christa’s father. “Ever since I found out this was a possibility, I knew I had to try,” answered Christa. “How can I let everyone down now?” “Surely, American society would understand. They have to know you are risking your life.” It did not matter how much her family and friends attempted to reason with her. Christa McAuliffe had made up her mind. She was determined to be the first teacher in space. Christa McAuliffe was an incredibly selfless woman who gave her life for a dream she had. Her actions shocked America, renewed concerns about the American space program, and provided a nation of educators and students with a new hero. Black – Hook Brown – Background White – Thesis/Essay Map Black – Hook Brown – Background White – Thesis/Essay Map