Tips for Dealing with Test Anxiety. Let’s talk about these 4 ways to combat common test anxiety: 1)Preparation 2)Practice 3)Positivity 4)Performance The.


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Tips for Dealing with Test Anxiety

Let’s talk about these 4 ways to combat common test anxiety: 1)Preparation 2)Practice 3)Positivity 4)Performance The 4 P’s to Combat Test Anxiety!


Research shows that the #1 way to combat test anxiety is adequate preparation. How are you preparing for upcoming high-stakes tests? Consider the study methods on the next slide. Mix it up!

-Re-write / type your notes -Create memory strategies / pneumonic devices for challenging content. Rhyming helps! -Highlight and color-code key ideas -Research review videos / ppts. online to supplement the materials you’ve been provided (like Kahn Academy or YouTube) -Host a study group at your house. Divide the material; each participant ‘teaches’ his/her content to the rest of the students. -Write a practice test! If you can ‘think like the teacher’, you will gain mastery of the material! -Read the material out loud to yourself. Record and play it back! -Create visual aides. -Scan the review material for key ideas. Brainstorm all that you know about each key idea. -Make Flash Cards or other easy-to-use study materials (ppt. slides, for example) Try these Study Methods!

**Remember, if you have not been pleased with past test performance, it is not wise to prepare in the same ways for upcoming tests (as you will likely have similar results!). You may need to: -Ask your teacher for recommended study methods -Increase the amount of time spend studying -Spread your studying out over several days vs. cramming (which is proven to be inadequate) -Remove distractions while studying Share your own innovative study methods!


 Why do you think it is helpful to take practice tests leading up to a big exam? Brainstorm

 Taking practice tests (full-length or short sections) is an effective way to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This will help you know where you need to spend the majority of your study time.  Practice tests also help you build familiarity with the format - resulting in increased confidence on test day! Tips for Practice Tests

 Take practice tests in the same ‘setting’ as the actual test you will take. While you might not be able to sit in the same chair at the same desk, try to set up your environment to have a similar vibe. This will help you feel prepared and confident when you enter the real thing! Tips for Practice Tests

 Remove distractions when taking practice tests. If you aren’t able to listen to music or have the TV on during the actual exam, it isn’t advised that you do so in the practice tests leading up to the real thing. Tips for Practice Tests

 Your previous quizzes and assessments can serve as ‘practice tests’. Review your past performance and revisit questions that you’ve missed. The content is likely to show up again! Tips for Practice Tests


 Research shows that staying positive is one of the MOST important ways to combat stress anxiety – both leading up to the exam and during the actual test. Positivity!

 Mood and attitude can have a significant impact on how you feel physically and on how you perform. Here are some tips to help you get in a positive mindset before and during the tests: Positivity!

 Actively replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Positivity! Negative ThoughtsPositive Thoughts I always do poorly on tests.I have a better study plan than I’ve ever had before. This test is impossible.If I study and do the best I can, I will be proud of myself. I am going to fail.I am prepared; I will do well. I am going to be too anxious.I will stay calm and be positive.

Leading up to the test, use something researchers call ‘positive self-talk’ to help you stay motivated and focused. Leave yourself reminders in visible places (via text, post- it notes, messages in notebooks, etc.) like: -I can do it! -All this hard work will pay off. -I have worked hard; I will do my best. Positivity!

 Lastly, try to finish the majority of your studying several days before the test. This frees up some time to focus on stress- relieving activities, such as exercise or socializing, that will help you go in to the test with a positive attitude. Positivity!


 The last piece of the test anxiety puzzle is to combat anxiety during the test and maximize your performance. Check out these tips for making sure you can do your very best: Maximizing Test Performance

 Get plenty of sleep the night before a test and be sure to eat breakfast.  Follow a routine the day of the test to make sure you are prepared to do your best. Maximizing Test Performance

 Arrive on time to the test.  Resist the urge to talk with others about how ‘freaked out’ you are. This will increase your anxiety! Instead, wish each other well and encourage one another to stay calm.  Repeat this positive phrase several times before the test: “I am prepared; I will do well.” Research shows that this small step can actually improve your scores! Maximizing Test Performance

 Combat the physical symptoms of anxiety (racing heartbeat, sweaty palms, butterflies) by practicing deep, controlled breathing.  Breathe deeply in your nose (count to 7) and then slowly release through your mouth (again, count to 7). Repeat this as many times as necessary. It will slow your heart-rate and positively impact your other physical symptoms.  Clenching (when you breathe in) and unclenching (when your breathe out) your fists is another way to support relaxation. Maximizing Test Performance

 Use positive imagery and visualization to help you stay focused and optimistic.  Close your eyes and picture yourself calm and collected.  Try picturing a relaxing, positive scene.  Think about how you will feel when the test is over and you know you’ve done your best. Remind yourself, “This stress is temporary!” Maximizing Test Performance

 Lastly, work through the test using best practices for test- taking:  If you are feeling especially anxious, seek out a question that you confidently know the answer to. Answer this question first. Build your confidence!  Keep an eye on the clock and work through each problem methodically, not spending too much or too little time on each.  Check your work, especially the challenging problems.  Consider the format for your specific test. Eliminate answers that you know are incorrect for Multiple Choice; look for evidence to support “True” or “False”; find clues in the wording for fill-in-the blank. Maximize Test Performance

1)What are the four ‘Ps’ that will help you combat test anxiety? T / F : Test anxiety is a reality and there’s nothing you can do about it. T / F : It is possible to positively impact your performance on a test by taking some anxiety-relieving steps. Combatting Test Anxiety – Review!

Which step do you feel you are strongest at? Which step is your weakest? Combatting Test Anxiety – Review!